Alhazen (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Alhazen" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
3rd place
11th place
3,051st place
182nd place
3,832nd place
341st place
40th place
124th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
1,622nd place
901st place
low place
low place
low place
1,544th place
57th place
4th place
26th place
110th place
6,328th place
6,653rd place
879th place
52nd place
2nd place
3rd place
305th place
395th place
179th place
385th place
low place
low place

  • (en) Jane Hathaway, A Tale of Two Factions : Myth, Memory and Identity in Ottoman Egypt and Yemen [« Un conte de deux factions : Mythe, Mémoire & Identité en Egypte ottomane et au Yémen »] (Analyse socio-économique de l'histoire du Moyen-Orient médiéval), New York (États-Unis), SUNY Press (State University of New York Press), coll. « Suny Series in the Social and Economic History of the Middle East », (réimpr. 2012), 1re éd., 311 p., 23 × 15 cm, noir & blanc, illustré, relié ou broché (ISBN 978-0-7914-5883-9, 978-0-7914-5884-6 et 978-0-7914-8610-8, ASIN 0791458849, A Tale of Two Factions: Myth, Memory and Identity in Ottoman Egypt and Yemen sur Google Livres), chap. 5 (« The Colors of the Factions Banners [Les couleurs des bannières des factions] »), p. 96-97.

    « It seems to have been under the influence of the Fatimid proselytizing mission (...) that white became [its dynastic] color, in deliberate opposition to the black of the Abbasid establishment. »

    « C'est apparemment sous l'influence de la mission de prosélytisme fatimide (...) que le blanc est devenu [sa] couleur [dynastique], en opposition délibérée au noir de l'établissement abbasside. »

  • (en) Jane Hathaway, A Tale of Two Factions : Myth, Memory and Identity in Ottoman Egypt and Yemen [« Un conte de deux factions : Mythe, Mémoire & Identité en Egypte ottomane et au Yémen »] (Analyse socio-économique de l'histoire du Moyen-Orient médiéval), New York (États-Unis), SUNY Press (State University of New York Press), coll. « Suny Series in the Social and Economic History of the Middle East », (réimpr. 2012), 1re éd., 311 p., 23 × 15 cm, noir & blanc, illustré, relié ou broché (ISBN 978-0-7914-5883-9, 978-0-7914-5884-6 et 978-0-7914-8610-8, ASIN 0791458849, A Tale of Two Factions: Myth, Memory and Identity in Ottoman Egypt and Yemen sur Google Livres), chap. 5 (« The Colors of the Factions Banners [Les couleurs des bannières des factions] »), p. 96-97.

    « It seems to have been under the influence of the Fatimid proselytizing mission (...) that white became [its dynastic] color, in deliberate opposition to the black of the Abbasid establishment. »

    « C'est apparemment sous l'influence de la mission de prosélytisme fatimide (...) que le blanc est devenu [sa] couleur [dynastique], en opposition délibérée au noir de l'établissement abbasside. »

  • (en) A. Mark Smith, Ptolemy's Theory of Visual Perception : An English Translation of the Optics [« Théorie de la perception visuelle de Ptolémée »], Philadelphie (États-Unis), American Philosophical Society, (réimpr. 2000), 300 p. (ISBN 978-0-87169-862-9, Ptolemy's Theory of Visual Perception sur Google Livres), partie 1, « The Latin Context », p. 58.
  • David Aubin, Nestor Herran, Santiago Aragon, Hélène Gaget, Christophe Lécuyer et Alexandre Guilbaud, Chronologie de l'histoire des sciences des origines à nos jours, Hatier, coll. « Bescherelle », (présentation en ligne), p. 68
  • (en) Shlomo Pinès, Collected works of Shlomo Pines: Studies in Arabic Versions of Greek texts and in Medieval Science, vol. 2, Brill, (présentation en ligne), p.547-548 (traduction en anglais de Shlomo Pinès : Truth is sought for its own sake...It is not the person who studies the books of his predecessors and gives a free rein to his natural disposition to regard them favourably, who is the seeker after truth. But rather the person who is thinking about them [and] is filled with doubts(...) who follows proof and demonstration rather than the assertion of a man whose natural disposition is characterised by all kind of defects and shortcomings. A person who studies scientific books with a view to knowing the truth, ought to turn himself into a hostile critic of everything that he studies ...He should criticize it from every point of view and in all its aspects. And while thus engaged in criticisme he should also be suspicious of himself and not allow himself to be easygoing and indulgent with regard to the object of his criticism. If he takes this course, the truth will be revealed to him and the flaws ... in the writings of his predecessors will stand out clearly.)
  • (en) Abdelhamid I. Sabra, « Ibn al Haytham Revolutionary project in optic, the achievement and the obstacle », dans Abdelhamid I. Sabra (dir.), Jan P. Hogendijk et Dibner Institute Studies in the History of Science and Technology, The Enterprise of Science in Islam : New Perspectives, MIT Press, (ISBN 978-0-262-19482-2 et 0-262-19482-1, présentation en ligne), p. 85-118, p. 140

  • (en) Roshdi Rashed, « The Configuration of the universe : A book by al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham ? », Revue d'histoire des sciences, vol. 60, no 1,‎ (lire en ligne).

  • (en) Andreas Eckart, « The early great debat : a comment on Ibn al-Haytham's work on the location of the mily way with the respect to the earth », Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 28, no 1,‎ , p. 1-30 (présentation en ligne)

  • G. J. Toomer, « Review: Ibn al-Haythams Weg zur Physik by Matthias Schramm », Isis, vol. 55, no 4,‎ , p. 463–465 [463–4] (DOI 10.1086/349914)

  • David Aubin, Nestor Herran, Santiago Aragon, Hélène Gaget, Christophe Lécuyer et Alexandre Guilbaud, Chronologie de l'histoire des sciences des origines à nos jours, Hatier, coll. « Bescherelle », (présentation en ligne), p. 68
  • (en) Shlomo Pinès, Collected works of Shlomo Pines: Studies in Arabic Versions of Greek texts and in Medieval Science, vol. 2, Brill, (présentation en ligne), p.547-548 (traduction en anglais de Shlomo Pinès : Truth is sought for its own sake...It is not the person who studies the books of his predecessors and gives a free rein to his natural disposition to regard them favourably, who is the seeker after truth. But rather the person who is thinking about them [and] is filled with doubts(...) who follows proof and demonstration rather than the assertion of a man whose natural disposition is characterised by all kind of defects and shortcomings. A person who studies scientific books with a view to knowing the truth, ought to turn himself into a hostile critic of everything that he studies ...He should criticize it from every point of view and in all its aspects. And while thus engaged in criticisme he should also be suspicious of himself and not allow himself to be easygoing and indulgent with regard to the object of his criticism. If he takes this course, the truth will be revealed to him and the flaws ... in the writings of his predecessors will stand out clearly.)

  • (en) 1001 Inventions and the World of Ibn Al-Haytham (1001 Inventions & King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture), « Who was Ibn al-Haytham? » [« Qui était Alhazen ? »], Campagne mondiale de promotion à l'occasion de l'année internationale de la lumière en 2015, sur, Manchester (Royaume-Uni), 1001 Inventions Ltd. (Rédacteur en chef : Salim Al-Hassani, Directeur : Ahmed Salim), (consulté le ).

  • (en) A. I. Sabra, « The Authorship of the Liber de crepusculis, an Eleventh-Century Work on Atmospheric Refraction », Isis, vol. 58, no 1,‎ , p. 77-85 (lire en ligne)