(en) (en) « Yellow Magic Orchestra » (Identifiant p5886 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
(en) "Any music with a generally slow, relaxing pace and space-creating imagery or atmospherics may be considered Space Music, without conventional rhythmic elements, while drawing from any number of traditional, ethnic, or modern styles." Lloyde Barde, juillet/août 2004, Making Sense of the Last 20 Years in New Music.
Keith Potter, Four Musical Minimalists : La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass, Cambridge University Press, , rev. pbk from 2000 hbk éd., 390 p. (ISBN978-0-521-01501-1, lire en ligne), [ 91].. (Quoting Brian Eno saying "La Monte Young is the daddy of us all" with endnote 113 p. [ 349] referencing it as "Quoted in Palmer, A Father Figure for the Avant-Garde, p. 49".)
(en) "... Originally a 1970s reference to the conjunction of ambient electronics and our expanding visions of cosmic space... In fact, almost any music with a slow pace and space-creating sound images could be called spacemusic." Stephen Hill, co-founder, Hearts of Space, What is spacemusic?.
(en) "When you listen to space and ambient music you are connecting with a tradition of contemplative sound experience whose roots are ancient and diverse. The genre spans historical, ethnic, and contemporary styles. In fact, almost any music with a slow pace and space-creating sound images could be called spacemusic." Stephen Hill, co-founder, Hearts of Space, What is spacemusic?
Jon Savage (trad. de l'anglais par Étienne Menu), Machine Soul : une histoire de la techno [« Machine Soul: a history of techno »], Paris, Éditions Allia, , 58 p., 90 mm × 140 mm (ISBN978-2-84485-381-3), p. 52-56. Le texte constituant cet ouvrage est la traduction de l'article initial suivant : (en) Jon Savage, « Machine Soul: a history of techno », The Village Voice, (ISSN0042-6180).
(en) « Ambient », sur Merriam Webster (consulté le ).