Ambient (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ambient" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
low place
low place
25th place
69th place
low place
low place
2,205th place
3,262nd place
209th place
1,321st place
57th place
4th place
3rd place
11th place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place

  • (en) « Ambient », sur AllMusic (consulté le ).
  • (en) (en) « Yellow Magic Orchestra » (Identifiant p5886 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )

  • (en) "Any music with a generally slow, relaxing pace and space-creating imagery or atmospherics may be considered Space Music, without conventional rhythmic elements, while drawing from any number of traditional, ethnic, or modern styles." Lloyde Barde, juillet/août 2004, Making Sense of the Last 20 Years in New Music.

  • Keith Potter, Four Musical Minimalists : La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass, Cambridge University Press, , rev. pbk from 2000 hbk éd., 390 p. (ISBN 978-0-521-01501-1, lire en ligne), [ 91].. (Quoting Brian Eno saying "La Monte Young is the daddy of us all" with endnote 113 p. [ 349] referencing it as "Quoted in Palmer, A Father Figure for the Avant-Garde, p. 49".)

  • (en) "... Originally a 1970s reference to the conjunction of ambient electronics and our expanding visions of cosmic space... In fact, almost any music with a slow pace and space-creating sound images could be called spacemusic." Stephen Hill, co-founder, Hearts of Space, What is spacemusic?.
  • (en) "When you listen to space and ambient music you are connecting with a tradition of contemplative sound experience whose roots are ancient and diverse. The genre spans historical, ethnic, and contemporary styles. In fact, almost any music with a slow pace and space-creating sound images could be called spacemusic." Stephen Hill, co-founder, Hearts of Space, What is spacemusic?

  • Jon Savage (trad. de l'anglais par Étienne Menu), Machine Soul : une histoire de la techno [« Machine Soul: a history of techno »], Paris, Éditions Allia, , 58 p., 90 mm × 140 mm (ISBN 978-2-84485-381-3), p. 52-56. Le texte constituant cet ouvrage est la traduction de l'article initial suivant : (en) Jon Savage, « Machine Soul: a history of techno », The Village Voice,‎ (ISSN 0042-6180).

  • (en) « Ambient », sur Merriam Webster (consulté le ).