comme le portage de dalle de granite de 90 kg, pour le pavage de sentier dans les monts Emeishan 峨眉山 cf. photos de presse du 1/05/2008 emei ou les Huangshan
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Wil O. Dijk, Seventeenth-century Burma and the Dutch East India Company, 1634-1680, NUS Press, , 348 p. (ISBN978-9971-69-304-6, lire en ligne).
Calvin Goldscheider, Population, Ethnicity, and Nation-building, Sillery (Québec), Westview Press, , 411 p. (ISBN2-89448-084-9, présentation en ligne), « Economic Patterns of the Tibet Autonomous Region: The Past and Present, par Ma R. », p. 37-75
Selena Ahmed, Michael Freeman, « Pu-erh Tea and the Southwest Silk Road: An Ancient Quest for Well-Being », The Journal of the American Botanical Council, vol. 90, , p. 32-43 (lire en ligne)
Tatsuki Kataoka, « Becoming Stateless: Historical Experience and Its Reflection on the Concept of State among the Lahu in Yunnan and Mainland Southeast Asian Massif(<Special Issue> Upland Peoples in the Making of History in Northern Continental Southeast Asia) », Southeast Asian Studies, vol. 2, no 1, , p. 69–94 (ISSN2186-7275, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Tatsuki Kataoka, « Becoming Stateless: Historical Experience and Its Reflection on the Concept of State among the Lahu in Yunnan and Mainland Southeast Asian Massif(<Special Issue> Upland Peoples in the Making of History in Northern Continental Southeast Asia) », Southeast Asian Studies, vol. 2, no 1, , p. 69–94 (ISSN2186-7275, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Yang Fuquan, « The "Ancient Tea and Horse Caravan Road", the "Silk Road" of Southwest China », The silkroad Foundation Newsletter, vol. 2, no 1, (lire en ligne)
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