Carol Barash, English Women's Poetry, 1649-1714: Politics, Community, and Linguistic Authority, Clarendon Press, (ISBN978-0-19-811973-9, lire en ligne)
Ann Messenger, His & Hers: Essays in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature, Lexington, Kentucky, University Press of Kentucky, , 14–40 p. (ISBN9780813186412, "Killigrew"&pg=PT29 lire en ligne)
Kennedy, « "My Rare Wit Killing Sin": Poems of a Restoration Courtier by Killigrew (Review) », Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 68, no 1, , p. 415–416 (DOI10.1086/681433, JSTOR10.1086/681433, lire en ligne)
Wheeler, « Beyond Art: Reading Dryden's "Anne Killigrew" in Its Political Moment », South Central Review, vol. 15, no 2, , p. 1–15 (DOI10.2307/3190325, JSTOR3190325, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Mermin, « Women Becoming Poets: Katherine Philips, Aphra Behn, Anne Finch », ELH: English Literary History, The Johns Hopkins University Press, vol. 57, no 2, , p. 335–355 (DOI10.2307/2873075, JSTOR2873075, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Hurley, « Killigrew, Anne (1660–1685) », Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia, (consulté le )
Horace Walpole, Anecdotes of painting in England: with some account of the principal artists; and incidental notes on other arts; collected by the late Mr. George Vertue; and now digested and published from his original MSS. by Mr. Horace Walpole. The second edition, vol. 3, Strawberry-Hill, Second, , 25–27 p. (lire en ligne)
Anne Killigrew, "My rare wit killing sin": poems of a Restoration courtier, Toronto, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, (lire en ligne)
Kennedy, « "My Rare Wit Killing Sin": Poems of a Restoration Courtier by Killigrew (Review) », Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 68, no 1, , p. 415–416 (DOI10.1086/681433, JSTOR10.1086/681433, lire en ligne)
Cust, Baker, Gibson et MacColl, « NOTES-Notes on pictures in the Royal Collections-XXXIV-Anne Killigrew », The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, vol. 28, , p. 112–116 (JSTOR860095, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Gillespie, « Another Pindaric Ode "To the Pious Memory of Mrs. Ann Killigrew" », Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700, vol. 20, no 1, , p. 31–35 (JSTOR43293614, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Wallerstein, « On the Death of Mrs. Killigrew: The Perfecting of a Genre », Studies in Philology, vol. 44, no 3, , p. 519–528 (JSTOR4172813, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Vieth, « Irony in Dryden's Ode to Anne Killigrew », Studies in Philology, vol. 62, no 1, , p. 91–100 (JSTOR4173479, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Daly, « Dryden's Ode to Anne Killigrew and the Communal Work of Poets », Texas Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 18, no 2, , p. 184–197 (JSTOR40754438, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Wheeler, « Beyond Art: Reading Dryden's "Anne Killigrew" in Its Political Moment », South Central Review, vol. 15, no 2, , p. 1–15 (DOI10.2307/3190325, JSTOR3190325, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Mermin, « Women Becoming Poets: Katherine Philips, Aphra Behn, Anne Finch », ELH: English Literary History, The Johns Hopkins University Press, vol. 57, no 2, , p. 335–355 (DOI10.2307/2873075, JSTOR2873075, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Anne Killigrew, Poems, London, Printed for Samuel Lowndes, (lire en ligne)