Constance Mellon, « Library Anxiety: A Grounded Theory and Its Development », College & Research Libraries, (lire en ligne, consulté le ).
Doris J. Van Kampen, « Development and validation of the multidimensional library anxiety scale », College & Research Libraries, vol. 65, no 1, (lire en ligne).
Gillian Gremmels, « Constance Mellon's "Library Anxiety": An Appreciation and a Critique », College & Research Libraries, vol. 76, no 3, , p. 268–275 (DOI10.5860/crl.76.3.268, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
Nayhun Kwon, Anthony Onwuegbuzie et Linda Alexander, « Critical thinking disposition and library anxiety: Affective domains on the space of information seeking and use in academic libraries », College & Research Libraries, vol. 68, no 3, (lire en ligne).
Gillian Gremmels, « Constance Mellon's "Library Anxiety": An Appreciation and a Critique », College & Research Libraries, vol. 76, no 3, , p. 268–275 (DOI10.5860/crl.76.3.268, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) K.-Lee Fraser et Joan C. Bartlett, « Fear at First Sight: Library Anxiety, Race, and Nova Scotia », Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, vol. 13, no 2, (ISSN1911-9593, DOI10.21083/partnership.v13i2.4366, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Roslyn Grandy, « Investigating the Effectiveness of a Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Course in Reducing Library Anxiety for Adult Learners », Communications in Information Literacy, vol. 13, no 1, (ISSN1933-5954, DOI10.15760/comminfolit.2019.13.1.3, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Lesley Brown, « Trending Now—Reference Librarians: How Reference Librarians Work to Prevent Library Anxiety », Journal of Library Administration, vol. 51, no 3, , p. 309–17 (DOI10.1080/01930826.2011.556950).
Elizabeth DiPrince, Amber Wilson, Chrissy Karafit et Amanda Bryant, « Don't Panic! Managing Library Anxiety with a Library Survival Guide », Reference & User Services Quarterly, vol. 55, no 4, , p. 283–92 (DOI10.5860/rusq.55n4.283).
(en) Dale Larsen, Shane Wallace, Adriana Parker et Lis Pankl, « From Cubicles to Community: Reducing Library Anxiety Through Critically Reimagined Social Spaces », New Review of Academic Librarianship, vol. 25, nos 2-4, , p. 408–423 (ISSN1361-4533 et 1740-7834, DOI10.1080/13614533.2019.1615966, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Rachael Muszkiewicz, « Get to Know Your Librarian: How a Simple Orientation Program Helped Alleviate Library Anxiety », Public Services Quarterly, vol. 13, no 4, , p. 223–240 (ISSN1522-8959 et 1522-9114, DOI10.1080/15228959.2017.1319780, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Brad Doerksen, « Institutional Literacy and Libraries: Addressing Library Anxiety with a Personal Librarian Program », Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, vol. 15, no 2, , p. 1–19 (ISSN1911-9593, DOI10.21083/partnership.v15i2.6098, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) K.-Lee Fraser et Joan C. Bartlett, « Fear at First Sight: Library Anxiety, Race, and Nova Scotia », Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, vol. 13, no 2, (ISSN1911-9593, DOI10.21083/partnership.v13i2.4366, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Roslyn Grandy, « Investigating the Effectiveness of a Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Course in Reducing Library Anxiety for Adult Learners », Communications in Information Literacy, vol. 13, no 1, (ISSN1933-5954, DOI10.15760/comminfolit.2019.13.1.3, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Dale Larsen, Shane Wallace, Adriana Parker et Lis Pankl, « From Cubicles to Community: Reducing Library Anxiety Through Critically Reimagined Social Spaces », New Review of Academic Librarianship, vol. 25, nos 2-4, , p. 408–423 (ISSN1361-4533 et 1740-7834, DOI10.1080/13614533.2019.1615966, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Rachael Muszkiewicz, « Get to Know Your Librarian: How a Simple Orientation Program Helped Alleviate Library Anxiety », Public Services Quarterly, vol. 13, no 4, , p. 223–240 (ISSN1522-8959 et 1522-9114, DOI10.1080/15228959.2017.1319780, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Brad Doerksen, « Institutional Literacy and Libraries: Addressing Library Anxiety with a Personal Librarian Program », Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, vol. 15, no 2, , p. 1–19 (ISSN1911-9593, DOI10.21083/partnership.v15i2.6098, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Heather Carlile, « The implications of library anxiety for academic reference services: A review of the literature », Australian Academic & Research Libraries, (lire en ligne, consulté le ).
Roslyn Grandy, « Investigating the Effectiveness of a Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Course in Reducing Library Anxiety for Adult Learners », Communications in Information Literacy, vol. 13, no 1, (ISSN1933-5954, DOI10.15760/comminfolit.2019.13.1.3, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Dale Larsen, Shane Wallace, Adriana Parker et Lis Pankl, « From Cubicles to Community: Reducing Library Anxiety Through Critically Reimagined Social Spaces », New Review of Academic Librarianship, vol. 25, nos 2-4, , p. 408–423 (ISSN1361-4533 et 1740-7834, DOI10.1080/13614533.2019.1615966, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Rachael Muszkiewicz, « Get to Know Your Librarian: How a Simple Orientation Program Helped Alleviate Library Anxiety », Public Services Quarterly, vol. 13, no 4, , p. 223–240 (ISSN1522-8959 et 1522-9114, DOI10.1080/15228959.2017.1319780, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Rachel A. Fleming-May, Regina N. Mays et Rachel Radom, « " I Never Had to Use the Library in High School": A Library Instruction Program for At-Risk Students. », Portal: Libraries and the Academy, vol. 15, no 3, (lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) K.-Lee Fraser et Joan C. Bartlett, « Fear at First Sight: Library Anxiety, Race, and Nova Scotia », Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, vol. 13, no 2, (ISSN1911-9593, DOI10.21083/partnership.v13i2.4366, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Brad Doerksen, « Institutional Literacy and Libraries: Addressing Library Anxiety with a Personal Librarian Program », Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, vol. 15, no 2, , p. 1–19 (ISSN1911-9593, DOI10.21083/partnership.v15i2.6098, lire en ligne, consulté le )