Bell Labs - Murray Hill, « He Wrote the Book on Atom Trapping », Lucent Technologies 2002, (consulté le ) : « Retired Bell Labs scientist Arthur Ashkin discusses his years as a physicist and how he discovered that light could trap atoms -- the discovery that led Steven Chu and two others to the Nobel Prize ».
David McGloin et J.P. Reid, « Forty Years of Optical Manipulation », Optics and Photonics News, vol. 21, no 3, , p. 20 (DOI10.1364/OPN.21.3.000020, lire en ligne [Free PDF download]).
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(en) « for the optical tweezers and their application to biological systems »in Personnel de rédaction, « The Nobel Prize in Physics 2018 », Fondation Nobel, 2018. Consulté le 17 juillet 2019
David McGloin et J.P. Reid, « Forty Years of Optical Manipulation », Optics and Photonics News, vol. 21, no 3, , p. 20 (DOI10.1364/OPN.21.3.000020, lire en ligne [Free PDF download]).
« Arthur Ashkin », The Optical Society (consulté le ).