Blessitt, « Jesus and the New », The Official Website of Arthur Blessitt (consulté le ) : « Jesus now only gives new life but new tongues! Should you have not received a new tongue then ask Jesus now and He will give you a new tongue! You can speak, witness and pray in new power! In Acts chapter 2 the new tongues came and you can experience the same. »
Blessitt, « Why I write these Column s », The Official Website of Arthur Blessitt (consulté le ) : « I would say that my favorite theologians are Charles Haddon Spurgeon and Dr. R. T. Kendall both pastured churches in London, England. Dr Kendall I feel is the most powerful writer of our time. »
Randall Herbert Balmer, Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism, Westminster John Knox Press, (ISBN9780664224097, lire en ligne), p. 72