(en) Adrian P. Jones, Frances Wall et C. Terry Williams, Rare earth minerals : chemistry, origin and ore deposits, Springer, , 372 p. (ISBN978-0-412-61030-1, lire en ligne)
(en) Fredrik Sahlström, Erik Jonsson, Karin Högdahl, Valentin R. Troll, Chris Harris, Ester M. Jolis et Franz Weis, « Interaction between high-temperature magmatic fluids and limestone explains ‘Bastnäs-type’ REE deposits in central Sweden », Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no 1, , p. 15203 (ISSN2045-2322, DOI10.1038/s41598-019-49321-8, lire en ligne)
(en) Vallina, B., Rodriguez-Blanco, J. D., Blanco, J. A. and Benning, L. G. (2014) The effect of heating on the morphology of crystalline neodymium hydroxycarbonate de néodyme, NdCO3OH. Mineralogical Magazine, 78, 1391–1397. DOI: 10.1180/minmag.2014.078.6.05.
(en) Fredrik Sahlström, Erik Jonsson, Karin Högdahl, Valentin R. Troll, Chris Harris, Ester M. Jolis et Franz Weis, « Interaction between high-temperature magmatic fluids and limestone explains ‘Bastnäs-type’ REE deposits in central Sweden », Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no 1, , p. 15203 (ISSN2045-2322, DOI10.1038/s41598-019-49321-8, lire en ligne)
(en) Fredrik Sahlström, Erik Jonsson, Karin Högdahl, Valentin R. Troll, Chris Harris, Ester M. Jolis et Franz Weis, « Interaction between high-temperature magmatic fluids and limestone explains ‘Bastnäs-type’ REE deposits in central Sweden », Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no 1, , p. 15203 (ISSN2045-2322, DOI10.1038/s41598-019-49321-8, lire en ligne)