Nagi Sfeir, « Local economic development via urbanism lever: the case of Lebanon », SAUES Journal, no 1 (2), , pp.62-78 (DOI10.22034/saues.2018.02.01, lire en ligne)
Nagi Sfeir, « Local economic development via urbanism lever: the case of Lebanon », SAUES Journal, no 1 (2), , pp.62-78 (DOI10.22034/saues.2018.02.01, lire en ligne)
Nagi Sfeir, « Realurbanism: or the Urban Realpolitik. Towards a " Spatialisation " of the Realist Paradigm from International Relations Theories », Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, Centre for Research on Settlements and Urbanism, Cluj University Press (Presa Universitară Clujeană), Romania, 2013, 4 (1), pp.1-10 (lire en ligne)