Betty et Barney Hill (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Betty et Barney Hill" in French language version.

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2,996th place
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4,730th place
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low place

  • (en) Nigel Watson, The Hill Abduction, 25 juin 2005 : « The most powerful piece of evidence to support their claims was the notorious Star Map. Working in conjunction with Betty, amateur astronomer Marjorie Fish created a three-dimensional map of the star system that matched the Star Chart seen onboard the flying saucer. This seemed to indicate that the aliens originated from the double star system of Zeta Reticuli. Sceptics have convincingly argued that Betty’s Star Map consists of vague dots and lines that could be matched with an whole range of stellar systems. At a more basic level would the pilots of a highly sophisticated spaceship carry such a useless Star Map? »