Biais de financement (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Biais de financement" in French language version.

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57th place
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879th place
52nd place
2,008th place
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  • Matthias Girel, Science et territoires de l'ignorance : conférence-débat organisée par le groupe Sciences en questions à l'Inra de Bordeaux, le 30 mai 2016, Versailles, Quae, , 156 p. (ISBN 978-2-7592-2591-0, présentation en ligne)

  • Laura Maxim et Gérard Arnold, « Comment les conflits d'intérêts peuvent influencer la recherche et l'expertise », Hermès, La Revue, no 64,‎ , p. 48–59 (ISSN 0767-9513, lire en ligne)

  • (en-US) Daniele Mandrioli, Cristin E Kearns et Lisa A. Bero, « Relationship between Research Outcomes and Risk of Bias, Study Sponsorship, and Author Financial Conflicts of Interest in Reviews of the Effects of Artificially Sweetened Beverages on Weight Outcomes: A Systematic Review of Reviews », PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no 9,‎ , e0162198 (PMID 27606602, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0162198, Bibcode 2016PLoSO..1162198M)
  • (en-US) Pascal Probst, Phillip Knebel, Kathrin Grummich, Solveig Tenckhoff, Alexis Ulrich, Markus W. Büchler et Markus K. Diener, « Industry Bias in Randomized Controlled Trials in General and Abdominal Surgery », Annals of Surgery, vol. 264, no 1,‎ , p. 87–92 (PMID 26465782, DOI 10.1097/SLA.0000000000001372)
  • (en-US) Andreas Lundh, Joel Lexchin, Barbara Mintzes, Jeppe B Schroll et Lisa Bero, « Industry sponsorship and research outcome », Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,‎ (DOI 10.1002/14651858.MR000033.pub3)
  • (en-US) Sergio Sismondo, « How pharmaceutical industry funding affects trial outcomes: Causal structures and responses », Social Science & Medicine, vol. 66, no 9,‎ , p. 1909 (DOI 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.01.010)
  • (en-US) Deborah E. Barnes et L. A. Bero, « Why Review Articles on the Health Effects of Passive Smoking Reach Different Conclusions », JAMA, vol. 279, no 19,‎ , p. 1566–70 (PMID 9605902, DOI 10.1001/jama.279.19.1566)
  • (en-US) Lisa Bero, « Addressing Bias and Conflict of Interest Among Biomedical Researchers », JAMA, vol. 317, no 17,‎ , p. 1723–1724 (PMID 28464166, DOI 10.1001/jama.2017.3854)
  • Camilla Hansen, Andreas Lundh, Kristine Rasmussen et Asbjørn Hróbjartsson, « Financial conflicts of interest in systematic reviews: associations with results, conclusions, and methodological quality », Wiley,‎ (ISSN 1465-1858, DOI 10.1002/14651858.mr000047.pub2)
  • (en-US) J. Lexchin, L. A. Bero, B Djulbegovic et O Clark, « Pharmaceutical industry sponsorship and research outcome and quality: Systematic review », BMJ, vol. 326, no 7400,‎ , p. 1167–70 (PMID 12775614, PMCID 156458, DOI 10.1136/bmj.326.7400.1167)
  • (en-US) Joel Lexchin, « Those Who Have the Gold Make the Evidence: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Biases the Outcomes of Clinical Trials of Medications », Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 18, no 2,‎ , p. 247–61 (PMID 21327723, DOI 10.1007/s11948-011-9265-3)
  • (en-US) Alberto Falk Delgado et Anna Falk Delgado, « The association of funding source on effect size in randomized controlled trials: 2013–2015 – a cross-sectional survey and meta-analysis », Trials, vol. 18,‎ (DOI 10.1186/s13063-017-1872-0)
  • (en-US) Philip Mirowski et Robert Van Horn, « The Contract Research Organization and the Commercialization of Scientific Research », Social Studies of Science, vol. 35, no 4,‎ , p. 503 (PMID 16304738, DOI 10.1177/0306312705052103)
  • Lisa Parker, Quinn Grundy et Lisa Bero, « Interpreting evidence in general practice: Bias and conflicts of interest », Australian Journal of General Practice, vol. 47, no 6,‎ , p. 337–340 (ISSN 2208-7958, PMID 29966180, DOI 10.31128/AJGP-12-17-4432)
  • (en-US) Glen I. Spielmans et Peter I. Parry, « From Evidence-based Medicine to Marketing-based Medicine: Evidence from Internal Industry Documents », Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, vol. 7,‎ , p. 13 (DOI 10.1007/s11673-010-9208-8)
  • (en-US) David B. Resnik et Kevin C. Elliott, « Taking Financial Relationships into Account when Assessing Research », Accountability in Research, vol. 20, no 3,‎ , p. 184 (PMID 23672544, DOI 10.1080/08989621.2013.788383)
  • (en-US) Wendy S. Pachter, Ronald E. Fox, Philip Zimbardo et David O. Antonuccio, « Corporate funding and conflicts of interest: A primer for psychologists », American Psychologist, vol. 62, no 9,‎ , p. 1005 (PMID 18085846, DOI 10.1037/0003-066X.62.9.1005)
  • (en-US) Jason Dana et G Loewenstein, « A Social Science Perspective on Gifts to Physicians from Industry », JAMA, vol. 290, no 2,‎ , p. 252–5 (PMID 12851281, DOI 10.1001/jama.290.2.252)
  • (en-US) Don A. Moore et George Loewenstein, « Self-Interest, Automaticity, and the Psychology of Conflict of Interest », Social Justice Research, vol. 17, no 2,‎ , p. 189 (DOI 10.1023/B:SORE.0000027409.88372.b4)
  • (en-US) Bodil Als-Nielsen, Wendong Chen, Christian Gluud et Lise L. Kjaergard, « Association of Funding and Conclusions in Randomized Drug Trials », JAMA, vol. 290, no 7,‎ , p. 921 (PMID 12928469, DOI 10.1001/jama.290.7.921)
  • (en-US) L. L Kjaergard et B Als-Nielsen, « Association between competing interests and authors' conclusions: Epidemiological study of randomised clinical trials published in the BMJ », BMJ, vol. 325, no 7358,‎ , p. 249 (PMID 12153921, PMCID 117638, DOI 10.1136/bmj.325.7358.249)
  • (en-US) L. Bero, A. Anglemyer, H. Vesterinen et D. Krauth, « The relationship between study sponsorship, risks of bias, and research outcomes in atrazine exposure studies conducted in non-human animals: Systematic review and meta-analysis », Environment International, vol. 92-93,‎ , p. 597–604 (PMID 26694022, PMCID 4996667, DOI 10.1016/j.envint.2015.10.011)
  • (en-US) Anders W Jørgensen, Katja L Maric, Britta Tendal, Annesofie Faurschou et Peter C Gøtzsche, « Industry-supported meta-analyses compared with meta-analyses with non-profit or no support: Differences in methodological quality and conclusions », BMC Medical Research Methodology, vol. 8,‎ (DOI 10.1186/1471-2288-8-60)
  • (en-US) F. Gómez-García, J. Ruano, M. Aguilar-Luque, J. Gay-Mimbrera, B. Maestre-Lopez, J.L. Sanz-Cabanillas, P.J. Carmona-Fernández, M. González-Padilla, A. Vélez García-Nieto et B. Isla-Tejera, « Systematic reviews and meta-analyses on psoriasis: Role of funding sources, conflict of interest and bibliometric indices as predictors of methodological quality », British Journal of Dermatology,‎ (DOI 10.1111/bjd.15380)
  • (en-US) Kristin Shrader-Frechette et Christopher Choglueck, « Pesticides, Neurodevelopmental Disagreement, and Bradford Hill's Guidelines », Accountability in Research, vol. 24,‎ , p. 30 (DOI 10.1080/08989621.2016.1203786)
  • (en-US) Manya Prasad, Prachi Kathuria, Pallavi Nair, Amit Kumar et Kameshwar Prasad, « Mobile phone use and risk of brain tumours: A systematic review of association between study quality, source of funding, and research outcomes », Neurological Sciences, vol. 38, no 5,‎ , p. 797 (PMID 28213724, DOI 10.1007/s10072-017-2850-8)
  • Daniel Steel, « If the Facts Were Not Untruths, Their Implications Were: Sponsorship Bias and Misleading Communication », Johns Hopkins University Press, vol. 28, no 2,‎ , p. 119–144 (ISSN 1086-3249, DOI 10.1353/ken.2018.0011)
  • (en-US) Maria Elena Flacco, Lamberto Manzoli, Stefania Boccia, Lorenzo Capasso, Katina Aleksovska, Annalisa Rosso, Giacomo Scaioli, Corrado De Vito, Roberta Siliquini, Paolo Villari et John P.A. Ioannidis, « Head-to-head randomized trials are mostly industry sponsored and almost always favor the industry sponsor », Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, vol. 68, no 7,‎ , p. 811 (PMID 25748073, DOI 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2014.12.016)
  • Alice Fabbri, Alexandra Lai, Quinn Grundy et Lisa Anne Bero, « The Influence of Industry Sponsorship on the Research Agenda: A Scoping Review », American Public Health Association, vol. 108, no 11,‎ , e9–e16 (ISSN 0090-0036, DOI 10.2105/ajph.2018.304677)
  • (en) Tess Legg, Jenny Hatchard et Anna B. Gilmore, « The Science for Profit Model—How and why corporations influence science and the use of science in policy and practice », Public Library of Science (PLoS), vol. 16, no 6,‎ , e0253272 (ISSN 1932-6203, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0253272)
  • (en-US) Katherine A. McComas, « Researcher Views About Funding Sources and Conflicts of Interest in Nanotechnology », Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 18, no 4,‎ , p. 699–717 (PMID 21331667, DOI 10.1007/s11948-011-9264-4)
  • Alice Fabbri, Taylor J Holland et Lisa A Bero, « Food industry sponsorship of academic research: investigating commercial bias in the research agenda », Cambridge University Press (CUP), vol. 21, no 18,‎ , p. 3422–3430 (ISSN 1368-9800, DOI 10.1017/s1368980018002100)
  • Paulo M Serôdio, Martin McKee et David Stuckler, « Coca-Cola – a model of transparency in research partnerships? A network analysis of Coca-Cola’s research funding (2008–2016) », Cambridge University Press (CUP), vol. 21, no 9,‎ , p. 1594–1607 (ISSN 1368-9800, DOI 10.1017/s136898001700307x)
  • Alice Fabbri, Nicholas Chartres, Gyorgy Scrinis et Lisa A Bero, « Study sponsorship and the nutrition research agenda: analysis of randomized controlled trials included in systematic reviews of nutrition interventions to address obesity », Cambridge University Press (CUP), vol. 20, no 07,‎ , p. 1306–1313 (ISSN 1368-9800, DOI 10.1017/s1368980016003128)
  • (en) Leland Glenna et Analena Bruce, « Suborning science for profit: Monsanto, glyphosate, and private science research misconduct », Research Policy, Elsevier BV, vol. 50, no 7,‎ , p. 104290 (ISSN 0048-7333, DOI 10.1016/j.respol.2021.104290)
  • (en) Lukas Schwingshackl, Sven Knüppel, Carolina Schwedhelm, Georg Hoffmann, Benjamin Missbach, Marta Stelmach-Mardas, Stefan Dietrich, Fabian Eichelmann, Evangelos Kontopanteils, Khalid Iqbal, Krasimira Aleksandrova, Stefan Lorkowski, Michael F Leitzmann, Anja Kroke et Heiner Boeing, « Perspective: NutriGrade: A Scoring System to Assess and Judge the Meta-Evidence of Randomized Controlled Trials and Cohort Studies in Nutrition Research », American Society for Nutrition, vol. 7, no 6,‎ , p. 994–1004 (ISSN 2156-5376, DOI 10.3945/an.116.013052)
  • (en) Ellen M. Wells, « Evidence Regarding the Impact of Conflicts of Interest on Environmental and Occupational Health Research », Current Environmental Health Reports, vol. 4, no 2,‎ , p. 109–118 (PMID 28397095, DOI 10.1007/s40572-017-0139-y)
  • (en) Christina Turner, George J. Spilich, 1997, Research into smoking or nicotine and human cognitive performance: does the source of funding make a difference? Addiction. 92 (11): 1423–1426. DOI 10.1111/j.1360-0443.1997.tb02863.x PMID 9519485
  • (en) Aaron McMurtray, ErinK Saito, Natalie Diaz et Julia Chung, « Smoking history and Alzheimer's disease risk in a community-based clinic population », Medknow, vol. 6, no 1,‎ , p. 24 (ISSN 2277-9531, DOI 10.4103/jehp.jehp_45_15)
  • Charlotta Pisinger, Nina Godtfredsen et Anne Mette Bender, « A conflict of interest is strongly associated with tobacco industry–favourable results, indicating no harm of e-cigarettes », Preventive Medicine, Elsevier BV, vol. 119,‎ , p. 124–131 (ISSN 0091-7435, DOI 10.1016/j.ypmed.2018.12.011)
  • Yogi H. Hendlin, Manali Vora, Jesse Elias et Pamela M. Ling, « Financial Conflicts of Interest and Stance on Tobacco Harm Reduction: A Systematic Review », American Journal of Public Health, American Public Health Association, vol. 109, no 7,‎ , e1–e8 (ISSN 0090-0036, DOI 10.2105/ajph.2019.305106)
  • (en-US) D. Michaels, « Manufactured Uncertainty: Protecting Public Health in the Age of Contested Science and Product Defense », Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1076,‎ , p. 149–62 (PMID 17119200, DOI 10.1196/annals.1371.058, Bibcode 2006NYASA1076..149M)
  • Nicholas Chartres, Alice Fabbri et Lisa A. Bero, « Association of Industry Sponsorship With Outcomes of Nutrition Studies: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis », JAMA Internal Medicine, vol. 176, no 12,‎ , p. 1769–1777 (ISSN 2168-6106, DOI 10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.6721, lire en ligne, consulté le )
  • (en) Dean Schillinger, Jessica Tran, Christina Mangurian et Cristin Kearns, « Do Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Cause Obesity and Diabetes? Industry and the Manufacture of Scientific Controversy », American College of Physicians, vol. 165, no 12,‎ , p. 895 (ISSN 0003-4819, DOI 10.7326/l16-0534)
  • (en-US) L. A. Te Morenga, A. J. Howatson, R. M. Jones et J. Mann, « Dietary sugars and cardiometabolic risk: Systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials of the effects on blood pressure and lipids », American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 100, no 1,‎ , p. 65–79 (PMID 24808490, DOI 10.3945/ajcn.113.081521)
  • (en) Charles M. Benbrook, How did the US EPA and IARC reach diametrically opposed conclusions on the genotoxicity of glyphosate-based herbicides?, Environmental Sciences Europe 2019 31:2, janvier 2019, DOI 10.1186/s12302-018-0184-7
  • (en-US) Anke Huss, Matthias Egger, Kerstin Hug, Karin Huwiler-Müntener et Martin Röösli, « Source of Funding and Results of Studies of Health Effects of Mobile Phone Use: Systematic Review of Experimental Studies », Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 115, no 1,‎ , p. 1–4 (PMID 17366811, PMCID 1797826, DOI 10.1289/ehp.9149)
  • (en) Lotte E. Van Nierop, Martin Röösli, Matthias Egger et Anke Huss, « Source of funding in experimental studies of mobile phone use on health: Update of systematic review », Comptes Rendus Physique, vol. 11, nos 9–10,‎ , p. 622 (DOI 10.1016/j.crhy.2010.10.002, Bibcode 2010CRPhy..11..622V)
  • (en-US) Thomas Guillemaud, Eric Lombaert et Denis Bourguet, « Conflicts of Interest in GM Bt Crop Efficacy and Durability Studies », PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no 12,‎ , e0167777 (PMID 27977705, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0167777, Bibcode 2016PLoSO..1167777G)
  • (en) Manuela Valenzuela, Margarita Giraldo, Sonia Gallo-Murcia, Juliana Pineda, Laura Santos et Juan Pablo Ramos-Bonilla, « Recent Scientific Evidence Regarding Asbestos Use and Health Consequences of Asbestos Exposure », Current Environmental Health Reports, vol. 3, no 4,‎ , p. 335 (PMID 27696225, DOI 10.1007/s40572-016-0109-9)
  • Elie A. Akl, Pierre El-Hachem, Hiba Abou-Haidar, Ignacio Neumann, Holger J. Schünemann et Gordon H. Guyatt, « Considering intellectual, in addition to financial, conflicts of interest proved important in a clinical practice guideline: a descriptive study », Elsevier BV, vol. 67, no 11,‎ , p. 1222–1228 (ISSN 0895-4356, DOI 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2014.05.006)
  • Klaus Lieb, Jan von der Osten-Sacken, Jutta Stoffers-Winterling, Neele Reiss et Jürgen Barth, « Conflicts of interest and spin in reviews of psychological therapies: a systematic review », BMJ, vol. 6, no 4,‎ , e010606 (ISSN 2044-6055, DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010606)
  • (en-US) Lisa A. Bero et Quinn Grundy, « Why Having a (Nonfinancial) Interest is Not a Conflict of Interest », PLOS Biology, vol. 14, no 12,‎ , e2001221 (PMID 28002462, DOI 10.1371/journal.pbio.2001221)

  • (en-US) Daniele Mandrioli, Cristin E Kearns et Lisa A. Bero, « Relationship between Research Outcomes and Risk of Bias, Study Sponsorship, and Author Financial Conflicts of Interest in Reviews of the Effects of Artificially Sweetened Beverages on Weight Outcomes: A Systematic Review of Reviews », PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no 9,‎ , e0162198 (PMID 27606602, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0162198, Bibcode 2016PLoSO..1162198M)
  • (en-US) D. Michaels, « Manufactured Uncertainty: Protecting Public Health in the Age of Contested Science and Product Defense », Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1076,‎ , p. 149–62 (PMID 17119200, DOI 10.1196/annals.1371.058, Bibcode 2006NYASA1076..149M)
  • (en) Lotte E. Van Nierop, Martin Röösli, Matthias Egger et Anke Huss, « Source of funding in experimental studies of mobile phone use on health: Update of systematic review », Comptes Rendus Physique, vol. 11, nos 9–10,‎ , p. 622 (DOI 10.1016/j.crhy.2010.10.002, Bibcode 2010CRPhy..11..622V)
  • (en-US) Thomas Guillemaud, Eric Lombaert et Denis Bourguet, « Conflicts of Interest in GM Bt Crop Efficacy and Durability Studies », PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no 12,‎ , e0167777 (PMID 27977705, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0167777, Bibcode 2016PLoSO..1167777G)

  • Richard Smith, « Conflicts of interest: how money clouds objectivity », Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 99, no 6,‎ , p. 292–297 (ISSN 0141-0768, PMID 16738371, PMCID PMC1472724, lire en ligne, consulté le )
  • Laura Maxim et Gérard Arnold, « Comment les conflits d'intérêts peuvent influencer la recherche et l'expertise », Hermès, La Revue, no 64,‎ , p. 48–59 (ISSN 0767-9513, lire en ligne)
  • Camilla Hansen, Andreas Lundh, Kristine Rasmussen et Asbjørn Hróbjartsson, « Financial conflicts of interest in systematic reviews: associations with results, conclusions, and methodological quality », Wiley,‎ (ISSN 1465-1858, DOI 10.1002/14651858.mr000047.pub2)
  • Lisa Parker, Quinn Grundy et Lisa Bero, « Interpreting evidence in general practice: Bias and conflicts of interest », Australian Journal of General Practice, vol. 47, no 6,‎ , p. 337–340 (ISSN 2208-7958, PMID 29966180, DOI 10.31128/AJGP-12-17-4432)
  • Daniel Steel, « If the Facts Were Not Untruths, Their Implications Were: Sponsorship Bias and Misleading Communication », Johns Hopkins University Press, vol. 28, no 2,‎ , p. 119–144 (ISSN 1086-3249, DOI 10.1353/ken.2018.0011)
  • Alice Fabbri, Alexandra Lai, Quinn Grundy et Lisa Anne Bero, « The Influence of Industry Sponsorship on the Research Agenda: A Scoping Review », American Public Health Association, vol. 108, no 11,‎ , e9–e16 (ISSN 0090-0036, DOI 10.2105/ajph.2018.304677)
  • (en) Tess Legg, Jenny Hatchard et Anna B. Gilmore, « The Science for Profit Model—How and why corporations influence science and the use of science in policy and practice », Public Library of Science (PLoS), vol. 16, no 6,‎ , e0253272 (ISSN 1932-6203, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0253272)
  • Alice Fabbri, Taylor J Holland et Lisa A Bero, « Food industry sponsorship of academic research: investigating commercial bias in the research agenda », Cambridge University Press (CUP), vol. 21, no 18,‎ , p. 3422–3430 (ISSN 1368-9800, DOI 10.1017/s1368980018002100)
  • Paulo M Serôdio, Martin McKee et David Stuckler, « Coca-Cola – a model of transparency in research partnerships? A network analysis of Coca-Cola’s research funding (2008–2016) », Cambridge University Press (CUP), vol. 21, no 9,‎ , p. 1594–1607 (ISSN 1368-9800, DOI 10.1017/s136898001700307x)
  • Alice Fabbri, Nicholas Chartres, Gyorgy Scrinis et Lisa A Bero, « Study sponsorship and the nutrition research agenda: analysis of randomized controlled trials included in systematic reviews of nutrition interventions to address obesity », Cambridge University Press (CUP), vol. 20, no 07,‎ , p. 1306–1313 (ISSN 1368-9800, DOI 10.1017/s1368980016003128)
  • (en) Leland Glenna et Analena Bruce, « Suborning science for profit: Monsanto, glyphosate, and private science research misconduct », Research Policy, Elsevier BV, vol. 50, no 7,‎ , p. 104290 (ISSN 0048-7333, DOI 10.1016/j.respol.2021.104290)
  • (en) Lukas Schwingshackl, Sven Knüppel, Carolina Schwedhelm, Georg Hoffmann, Benjamin Missbach, Marta Stelmach-Mardas, Stefan Dietrich, Fabian Eichelmann, Evangelos Kontopanteils, Khalid Iqbal, Krasimira Aleksandrova, Stefan Lorkowski, Michael F Leitzmann, Anja Kroke et Heiner Boeing, « Perspective: NutriGrade: A Scoring System to Assess and Judge the Meta-Evidence of Randomized Controlled Trials and Cohort Studies in Nutrition Research », American Society for Nutrition, vol. 7, no 6,‎ , p. 994–1004 (ISSN 2156-5376, DOI 10.3945/an.116.013052)
  • (en) Aaron McMurtray, ErinK Saito, Natalie Diaz et Julia Chung, « Smoking history and Alzheimer's disease risk in a community-based clinic population », Medknow, vol. 6, no 1,‎ , p. 24 (ISSN 2277-9531, DOI 10.4103/jehp.jehp_45_15)
  • Charlotta Pisinger, Nina Godtfredsen et Anne Mette Bender, « A conflict of interest is strongly associated with tobacco industry–favourable results, indicating no harm of e-cigarettes », Preventive Medicine, Elsevier BV, vol. 119,‎ , p. 124–131 (ISSN 0091-7435, DOI 10.1016/j.ypmed.2018.12.011)
  • Yogi H. Hendlin, Manali Vora, Jesse Elias et Pamela M. Ling, « Financial Conflicts of Interest and Stance on Tobacco Harm Reduction: A Systematic Review », American Journal of Public Health, American Public Health Association, vol. 109, no 7,‎ , e1–e8 (ISSN 0090-0036, DOI 10.2105/ajph.2019.305106)
  • Nicholas Chartres, Alice Fabbri et Lisa A. Bero, « Association of Industry Sponsorship With Outcomes of Nutrition Studies: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis », JAMA Internal Medicine, vol. 176, no 12,‎ , p. 1769–1777 (ISSN 2168-6106, DOI 10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.6721, lire en ligne, consulté le )
  • (en) Dean Schillinger, Jessica Tran, Christina Mangurian et Cristin Kearns, « Do Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Cause Obesity and Diabetes? Industry and the Manufacture of Scientific Controversy », American College of Physicians, vol. 165, no 12,‎ , p. 895 (ISSN 0003-4819, DOI 10.7326/l16-0534)
  • (en-US) Rachel Aviv, « A Valuable Reputation », The New Yorker,‎ (ISSN 0028-792X, lire en ligne)
  • Elie A. Akl, Pierre El-Hachem, Hiba Abou-Haidar, Ignacio Neumann, Holger J. Schünemann et Gordon H. Guyatt, « Considering intellectual, in addition to financial, conflicts of interest proved important in a clinical practice guideline: a descriptive study », Elsevier BV, vol. 67, no 11,‎ , p. 1222–1228 (ISSN 0895-4356, DOI 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2014.05.006)
  • Klaus Lieb, Jan von der Osten-Sacken, Jutta Stoffers-Winterling, Neele Reiss et Jürgen Barth, « Conflicts of interest and spin in reviews of psychological therapies: a systematic review », BMJ, vol. 6, no 4,‎ , e010606 (ISSN 2044-6055, DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010606)

  • Nicholas Chartres, Alice Fabbri et Lisa A. Bero, « Association of Industry Sponsorship With Outcomes of Nutrition Studies: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis », JAMA Internal Medicine, vol. 176, no 12,‎ , p. 1769–1777 (ISSN 2168-6106, DOI 10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.6721, lire en ligne, consulté le )

  • Richard Smith, « Conflicts of interest: how money clouds objectivity », Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 99, no 6,‎ , p. 292–297 (ISSN 0141-0768, PMID 16738371, PMCID PMC1472724, lire en ligne, consulté le )
  • (en-US) Daniele Mandrioli, Cristin E Kearns et Lisa A. Bero, « Relationship between Research Outcomes and Risk of Bias, Study Sponsorship, and Author Financial Conflicts of Interest in Reviews of the Effects of Artificially Sweetened Beverages on Weight Outcomes: A Systematic Review of Reviews », PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no 9,‎ , e0162198 (PMID 27606602, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0162198, Bibcode 2016PLoSO..1162198M)
  • (en-US) Pascal Probst, Phillip Knebel, Kathrin Grummich, Solveig Tenckhoff, Alexis Ulrich, Markus W. Büchler et Markus K. Diener, « Industry Bias in Randomized Controlled Trials in General and Abdominal Surgery », Annals of Surgery, vol. 264, no 1,‎ , p. 87–92 (PMID 26465782, DOI 10.1097/SLA.0000000000001372)
  • (en-US) Deborah E. Barnes et L. A. Bero, « Why Review Articles on the Health Effects of Passive Smoking Reach Different Conclusions », JAMA, vol. 279, no 19,‎ , p. 1566–70 (PMID 9605902, DOI 10.1001/jama.279.19.1566)
  • (en-US) Lisa Bero, « Addressing Bias and Conflict of Interest Among Biomedical Researchers », JAMA, vol. 317, no 17,‎ , p. 1723–1724 (PMID 28464166, DOI 10.1001/jama.2017.3854)
  • (en-US) J. Lexchin, L. A. Bero, B Djulbegovic et O Clark, « Pharmaceutical industry sponsorship and research outcome and quality: Systematic review », BMJ, vol. 326, no 7400,‎ , p. 1167–70 (PMID 12775614, PMCID 156458, DOI 10.1136/bmj.326.7400.1167)
  • (en-US) Joel Lexchin, « Those Who Have the Gold Make the Evidence: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Biases the Outcomes of Clinical Trials of Medications », Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 18, no 2,‎ , p. 247–61 (PMID 21327723, DOI 10.1007/s11948-011-9265-3)
  • (en-US) Philip Mirowski et Robert Van Horn, « The Contract Research Organization and the Commercialization of Scientific Research », Social Studies of Science, vol. 35, no 4,‎ , p. 503 (PMID 16304738, DOI 10.1177/0306312705052103)
  • Lisa Parker, Quinn Grundy et Lisa Bero, « Interpreting evidence in general practice: Bias and conflicts of interest », Australian Journal of General Practice, vol. 47, no 6,‎ , p. 337–340 (ISSN 2208-7958, PMID 29966180, DOI 10.31128/AJGP-12-17-4432)
  • (en-US) David B. Resnik et Kevin C. Elliott, « Taking Financial Relationships into Account when Assessing Research », Accountability in Research, vol. 20, no 3,‎ , p. 184 (PMID 23672544, DOI 10.1080/08989621.2013.788383)
  • (en-US) Wendy S. Pachter, Ronald E. Fox, Philip Zimbardo et David O. Antonuccio, « Corporate funding and conflicts of interest: A primer for psychologists », American Psychologist, vol. 62, no 9,‎ , p. 1005 (PMID 18085846, DOI 10.1037/0003-066X.62.9.1005)
  • (en-US) Jason Dana et G Loewenstein, « A Social Science Perspective on Gifts to Physicians from Industry », JAMA, vol. 290, no 2,‎ , p. 252–5 (PMID 12851281, DOI 10.1001/jama.290.2.252)
  • (en-US) Bodil Als-Nielsen, Wendong Chen, Christian Gluud et Lise L. Kjaergard, « Association of Funding and Conclusions in Randomized Drug Trials », JAMA, vol. 290, no 7,‎ , p. 921 (PMID 12928469, DOI 10.1001/jama.290.7.921)
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  • (en-US) L. Bero, A. Anglemyer, H. Vesterinen et D. Krauth, « The relationship between study sponsorship, risks of bias, and research outcomes in atrazine exposure studies conducted in non-human animals: Systematic review and meta-analysis », Environment International, vol. 92-93,‎ , p. 597–604 (PMID 26694022, PMCID 4996667, DOI 10.1016/j.envint.2015.10.011)
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  • (en) Lisa Bero et al., The relationship between study sponsorship, risks of bias, and research outcomes in atrazine exposure studies conducted in non-human animals : systematic review and meta-analysis, Environment international, vol. 92-93, juillet-août 2016, p. 597-604
  • (en-US) Anke Huss, Matthias Egger, Kerstin Hug, Karin Huwiler-Müntener et Martin Röösli, « Source of Funding and Results of Studies of Health Effects of Mobile Phone Use: Systematic Review of Experimental Studies », Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 115, no 1,‎ , p. 1–4 (PMID 17366811, PMCID 1797826, DOI 10.1289/ehp.9149)
  • (en-US) Thomas Guillemaud, Eric Lombaert et Denis Bourguet, « Conflicts of Interest in GM Bt Crop Efficacy and Durability Studies », PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no 12,‎ , e0167777 (PMID 27977705, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0167777, Bibcode 2016PLoSO..1167777G)
  • (en) Manuela Valenzuela, Margarita Giraldo, Sonia Gallo-Murcia, Juliana Pineda, Laura Santos et Juan Pablo Ramos-Bonilla, « Recent Scientific Evidence Regarding Asbestos Use and Health Consequences of Asbestos Exposure », Current Environmental Health Reports, vol. 3, no 4,‎ , p. 335 (PMID 27696225, DOI 10.1007/s40572-016-0109-9)
  • (en-US) Lisa A. Bero et Quinn Grundy, « Why Having a (Nonfinancial) Interest is Not a Conflict of Interest », PLOS Biology, vol. 14, no 12,‎ , e2001221 (PMID 28002462, DOI 10.1371/journal.pbio.2001221)

  • (en) Julia Belluz, « Dark chocolate is now a health food. Here’s how that happened. », Vox,  : « When you look at industry-funded studies, one thing becomes clear: They tend to focus on the health attributes of cocoa: its impact on cardiovascular health or cognitive function. But they don’t address the role the cocoa delivery mechanism — sugary chocolate — may play in obesity. Most Mars and Hershey chocolates also contain very small amounts of the cocoa that supposedly promotes heart health — along with lots of fat, sugar, and calories. »