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(en) Yue Chen, Qin Gao et Pei-Luen « Understanding gratifications of watching danmaku videos–videos with overlaid comments. » () (DOI10.1007/978-3-319-20907-4_14, lire en ligne, consulté le ) —International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design — « (ibid.) », dans CCD 2015: Cross-Cultural Design Methods, Practice and Impact, ResearchGate, springer, p. 153–163
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(zh-Hans) 土八哥, « 让字幕飞——互联网"弹幕"视频全方位解析 », Popular Software, Beijing, China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, no 375, , p. 19–27 (ISSN1007-0060, OCLC308996806)