(en) Jonathan Ferziger, « Hamas Finds Gaza Tunnels’ $500 Million Loss Worse Than Madoff », Bloomberg, (lire en ligne).
(en) Peter Spiegel, « Tunnels allowing in food, medicine also help fuel fighting in Gaza Strip », Los Angeles Times, (lire en ligne).
(en) « Clans and Militias in Palestinian Politics », Middle East Brief, no 26, (lire en ligne [PDF], consulté le ).
(en) Yesid Sayigh, « Hamas Rule in Gaza: Three Years On », Middle East Brief, Crown Center for Middle East Studies, no 41, (lire en ligne [PDF], consulté le ).
(en) Yesid Sayigh, “We Serve the People”. Hamas Policing in Gaza, Crown Center for Middle East Studies, (lire en ligne).
(en) The Challenge of Gaza : Policy Options and Broader Implications, Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings Institution, (lire en ligne [PDF]).
(en) « A riddle of rockets », The Economist, (lire en ligne).
« The tunnels are dug and controlled by criminal gangs, which bribe Egyptian police and soldiers to turn a blind eye, and then sell what they bring in--be it arms, drugs, cigarettes or other contraband--to the militias and on the black market in Gaza. »
(en) Donald Macintyre, « My descent into Gaza's smuggling underworld », The Independent, (lire en ligne)
« The two men, both 35, have paid the Hamas-controlled Rafah municipality 10,000 shekels (£1,665) for permission to dig their tunnel, under new regulations. »
« " The smuggled goods themselves are not being taxed by the Hamas de facto government, he insists, but acknowledges: "This is possible in the future." »
(ar) Samir Abu Madlela, « Economy of Tunnels in Gaza Strip: National Necessity or Socio-economic disaster? », Seyasat, Institute for public policies, no 12, , p. 36 (lire en ligne [PDF], consulté le )
« وبالتالي فإن الحديث وبالتالي فإن الحديث عن التهريب والأنفاق في مدينة رفح جنوب غزة هو حديث عن ظاهرة تاريخية في المرحلة الممتدة من 1949 1967 ، ثم بعد احتلال قطاع غزة والضفة الغربية حتى قيام السلطة ١٩٩٤ وحتى الآن »
« اتسم عمل الأنفاق قبل العام 2000 بعمليات تهريب المخدرات والذهب، أي الممنوعات التي تدر أرباحاً هائلة، ونادراً ما كان يهرب السلاح للمقاومة. »
(en) Samir Abu Madlela, « Economy of Tunnels in Gaza Strip: National Necessity or Socio-economic disaster? », Seyasat, Institute for public policies, no 12, , p. 38 (lire en ligne [PDF], consulté le )
« ومع بداية انتفاضة الأقصى في الربع الرابع من العام 2000 ، بدأت الأنفاق تأخذ منحى آخر وهو تهريب السلاح إلى فصائل المقاومة، وازداد عددها وتوسع نشاطها. »
(en) « Implementation of civil policy in the west bank and towards the Gaza strip », Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories State of Israel, Ministry of Defense, , p. 32, 25, 26 (lire en ligne [PDF]). Résumé 2011.
(en) Nidal Al-Mughrabi, « Underground cattle drive; Supply cannot keep up with demand in the tunnels leading from Egypt to beleaguered Gaza », The Guazette, (lire en ligne).
(en) Inside Gaza : the challenge of clans and families, International Crisis Group, (lire en ligne [PDF]).
(en) Measures Taken by Israel in Support of Developing the Palestinian Economy and Socio-Economic Structure : Report of the Government of Israel to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC), (lire en ligne [PDF]).