Boris Bykhovski (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Boris Bykhovski" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
4,428th place
low place
low place
low place
2nd place
3rd place

  • Dogiel, V. A. & Bychowsky, B. E. 1939. Паразиты рыб Каспийского моря [Parasites of Fish of the Caspian Sea] Fichier DJVU en Russe
  • Bychowsky, B.E. (1957) Моногенетические сосальщики, их система и филогения Fichier DJVU en Russe [Monogenetic Trematodes. Their systematic and phylogeny]. Akad. Nauka. USSR. English translation by the American Institute of Biological Science, Washington. (1961) 509 pp.DOI 10.5962/bhl.title.7475

  • Bychowsky, B.E. (1957) Моногенетические сосальщики, их система и филогения Fichier DJVU en Russe [Monogenetic Trematodes. Their systematic and phylogeny]. Akad. Nauka. USSR. English translation by the American Institute of Biological Science, Washington. (1961) 509 pp.DOI 10.5962/bhl.title.7475

  • Kobulej, T. 1974. In memoriam B. J. Bychowsky (1908-1974). Parasitologia Hungarica, 7, 11-12. (en Hongrois) PDF