Gregory Kourilsky, Patrice Ladwig, « Governing the monastic order in Laos. Pre-modern Buddhist legal traditions and their transformation under French colonialism », Buddhism, Law & Society, vol. 3, , p. 191–237. (lire en ligne)
(en) Parice Ladwig, « Imitations of Buddhist statecraft. The Patronage of Lao Buddhism and the Reconstruction of Relic Shrines and Temples in Colonial French Indochina », Social Analysis, vol. 62, no 2, , p. 98–125 (lire en ligne).
(en) Ladwig, « 4 Religious Place Making: Civilized Modernity and the Spread of Buddhism among the Cheng, a Mon-Khmer Minority in Southern Laos », Religion, Place and Modernity, , p. 95–124 (DOI10.1163/9789004320239_005, lire en ligne)
(en) Noble Ross Reat, « Buddhism in Laos », Extrait de N.B. Ross, Buddhism. A History, Berkeley, Asian Humanities Press, 1994, 376 p. [archive du ], sur (consulté le )
Andrea Matles SAVADA (V. chap. "The Religion"), Laos. A Country Study, Washington D.C., GPO for the Library of Congress, (lire en ligne)
(en) Ladwig, « 4 Religious Place Making: Civilized Modernity and the Spread of Buddhism among the Cheng, a Mon-Khmer Minority in Southern Laos », Religion, Place and Modernity, , p. 95–124 (DOI10.1163/9789004320239_005, lire en ligne)
Patrice Ladwig, "Special operation pagoda". Buddhism, Covert Operations and the Politics of Religious Subversion in Cold War Laos, Singapore University Press, , 457 p. (ISBN978-9-814-72226-1, lire en ligne)
(en) Pew Research Center, « Religious Composition by Country » in Global Religious Landscape 2015, 41-47 (v. p. 45). Les chiffres datent de 2010 [lire en ligne (page consultée le 24 mars 2022)]
(en) Noble Ross Reat, « Buddhism in Laos », Extrait de N.B. Ross, Buddhism. A History, Berkeley, Asian Humanities Press, 1994, 376 p. [archive du ], sur (consulté le )