(en) D. L. Gilman et F. J. Fuglister, « On the Power Spectrum of “Red Noise”. », Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 20, , p. 182–184 (lire en ligne)
(en)Transactions of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers 1968 [1]Quote: 'A "purple noise," accordingly, is a noise the spectrum level of which rises with frequency.'
(en)Estimating double difference GPS multipath under kinematicconditions. Zhang, Q.J. et Schwarz, K.-P.. Position Location and Navigation Symposium, p. 285-291. Apr 1996. DOI10.1109/PLANS.1996.509090"The spectral analysis shows that GPS acceleration errors seem to be violet noise processes. They are dominated by high-frequency noise."