(en) Malcolm Wallace, « Re: [tz] Deep Impact: wrong time zone? » [« Re: [tz] Deep Impact: mauvais fuseau horaire? »] [archive du ] [html] (consulté le ) : « Put another way, if you represented time as the number of tenths of a second since midnight on January 1, 2000, then you would hit 4294967296 tenths of a second on August 11, 2013[2]. 4294967296 is significant because it's 2^32, which is the smallest number that can't be represented as a 32-bit integer. Generally this will wrap around to 0 (as in calculating 4294967295 + 1 will give you 0). »
(en) Malcolm Wallace, « Re: [tz] Deep Impact: wrong time zone? » [« Re: [tz] Deep Impact: mauvais fuseau horaire? »] [archive du ] [html] (consulté le ) : « Put another way, if you represented time as the number of tenths of a second since midnight on January 1, 2000, then you would hit 4294967296 tenths of a second on August 11, 2013[2]. 4294967296 is significant because it's 2^32, which is the smallest number that can't be represented as a 32-bit integer. Generally this will wrap around to 0 (as in calculating 4294967295 + 1 will give you 0). »
Louis Adam, « Le noyau Linux survivra à l’année 2038 », ZDNet France, (lire en ligne, consulté le ).