María Teresa Rodríguez Navarro et Allison Beeby, « Autocensure et censure dans Bushido: The Soul of Japan d’Inazo Nitobe et quatre de ses traductions », TTR, vol. 23, no 2, 2e semestre 2010, p. 53–88 (lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Inazo Nitobe, Bushido, the Soul of Japan, , 13e éd. (lire en ligne), I have been more than gratified to feel that my humble work has found sympathetic readers in widely separated circles, showing that the subject matter is of some interest to the world at large. Exceedingly flattering is the news that has reached me from official sources, that President Roosevelt has done it undeserved honor by reading it and distributing several dozens of copies among his friends..