(en) Naomi F. Miller, Philip Jones, Richard L. Zettler et Holly Pittman, « A Sacred Landscape of Sumer: Statuettes from Ur Depicting a Goat on a Tree », Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, vol. 20, no 1, , p. 27–47 (ISSN1569-2116 et 1569-2124, DOI10.1163/15692124-12341311, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Naomi F. Miller, Philip Jones, Richard L. Zettler et Holly Pittman, « A Sacred Landscape of Sumer: Statuettes from Ur Depicting a Goat on a Tree », Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, vol. 20, no 1, , p. 27–47 (ISSN1569-2116 et 1569-2124, DOI10.1163/15692124-12341311, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Naomi F. Miller, Philip Jones, Richard L. Zettler et Holly Pittman, « A Sacred Landscape of Sumer: Statuettes from Ur Depicting a Goat on a Tree », Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, vol. 20, no 1, , p. 27–47 (ISSN1569-2116 et 1569-2124, DOI10.1163/15692124-12341311, lire en ligne, consulté le )