Brogan Driscoll, « Caroline Criado Perez, The Women's Room Co-Founder, On Female Experts, Feminism And Media », The Huffington Post, (lire en ligne)
« Why I Am Donating My First Jane Austen £10 To Women's Aid », HuffPost UK, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en-GB) « Ugly Rape Abuse After Banknote Campaign », HuffPost UK, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en-GB) « Caroline Criado-Perez Says Twitter Rape Threat 'Isn't A Feminist Issue' », HuffPost UK, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
« Man Arrested In Twitter Abuse Campaign Probe », The Huffington Post, (lire en ligne)
Kevin Rawlinson, « Wikipedia in sexism row after labelling Harper Lee and others 'women novelists' while men are 'American novelists' », The Independent, (lire en ligne)
« #TwitterSilence: Was Caitlin Moran's Twitter boycott an effective form of protest? », The Independent, (lire en ligne)
Owen Jones, « Trolls, Caroline Criado Perez, and how to tackle the dark side of Twitter », The Independent, (lire en ligne)
Rachael Pells, « Do It Like a Woman by Caroline Criado Perez, book review: Fuel to feminist fire, but little more », The Independent, (lire en ligne)
(en-GB) Claire Cohen, « Suffragette statue campaign calls on Parliament to honour Millicent Fawcett », The Telegraph, (ISSN0307-1235, lire en ligne, consulté le )
« The London Library Student Prize Winner and Runners Up 2012 », The London Library Magazine, , p. 22 (lire en ligne)
Caroline Criado-Perez, « Finding female experts – doing the BBC's job for them », New Statesman, (lire en ligne)
Caroline Criado-Perez, « After the Jane Austen announcement I suffered rape threats for 48 hours, but I'm still confident the trolls won't win », New Statesman, (lire en ligne)
Caroline Criado-Perez, « Have the police failed to record the Twitter threats against me? », New Statesman, (lire en ligne)
« Online troll Peter Nunn found guilty of tweeting abuse at MP Stella Creasy », New Statesman, (lire en ligne)
Caroline Criado-Perez, « Caroline Criado-Perez on her fight to bring a woman onto the new £10 note », London Evening Standard, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
Ramzy Alwakeel, « Jeremy Corbyn's shadow cabinet criticised over lack of women in top posts », London Evening Standard, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
Mark Chandler, « Millicent Fawcett: Suffragist to be first woman with Parliament Square statue after JK Rowling-backed campaign », London Evening Standard, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
Harriet Dennys, « City Diary: Campaigns are family currency for banknote protester Caroline Criado Perez », The Daily Telegraph, (lire en ligne)
Caroline Criado-Perez et Claire Cohen, « Emma Watson is calling on Sadiq Khan to put a suffragette outside Parliament - and you can too », The Daily Telegraph, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
Claire Cohen, « Victory! Mayor of London Sadiq Khan agrees to suffragette statue », The Daily Telegraph, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en-GB) Claire Cohen, « Suffragette statue campaign calls on Parliament to honour Millicent Fawcett », The Telegraph, (ISSN0307-1235, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Lucy Battersby, « Twitter criticised for failing to respond to Caroline Criado-Perez rape threats », The Age, (lire en ligne)
(en) « n° 61256 », The London Gazette, , p. B14 (lire en ligne)
Simon Hattenstone, « Caroline Criado Perez: 'Twitter has enabled people to behave in a way they wouldn't face to face' », The Guardian, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
Caroline Criado-Perez, « Female experts for BBC interviews wanted. Your suggestions please », The Guardian, (lire en ligne)
Caroline Criado-Perez, « Women on bank notes: is the Bank of England finally listening? », The Guardian, (lire en ligne)
Katie Allen et Heather Stewart, « Jane Austen to appear on £10 note », The Guardian, (lire en ligne)
Vanessa Thorpe, « What now for Britain's new-wave feminists – after page 3 and £10 notes? », The Observer, (lire en ligne)
Elizabeth Day, « Caroline Criado Perez: 'I don't know if I had a kind of breakdown' », The Observer, (lire en ligne)
Alexandra Topping, « Feminist campaigner says police have lost evidence on Twitter rape threats », The Guardian, (lire en ligne)
Alexandra Topping, « Caroline Criado Perez deletes Twitter account after new rape threats », The Guardian, (lire en ligne)
« Two charged over Caroline Criado Perez tweets », Press Association, (lire en ligne)