(en) Ivar Jacobson, « Object-oriented Development in an Industrial Environment », SIGPLAN Not., vol. 22, no 12, , p. 183–191 (ISSN0362-1340, DOI10.1145/38807.38824, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Ed Anderson, Mike Bradley et Rosemary Brinko, « Use case and business rules: styles of documenting business rules in use cases », Addendum to the 1997 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications (Addendum) - OOPSLA '97, ACM Press, , p. 85–87 (ISBN9781581130379, DOI10.1145/274567.274584, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Ivar Jacobson, « Object-oriented Development in an Industrial Environment », SIGPLAN Not., vol. 22, no 12, , p. 183–191 (ISSN0362-1340, DOI10.1145/38807.38824, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Ed Anderson, Mike Bradley et Rosemary Brinko, « Use case and business rules: styles of documenting business rules in use cases », Addendum to the 1997 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications (Addendum) - OOPSLA '97, ACM Press, , p. 85–87 (ISBN9781581130379, DOI10.1145/274567.274584, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Ivar Jacobson, « Object-oriented Development in an Industrial Environment », SIGPLAN Not., vol. 22, no 12, , p. 183–191 (ISSN0362-1340, DOI10.1145/38807.38824, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Dr. Ivar Jacobson, Ian Spence et Kurt Bittner, « Use-Case 2.0 ebook », sur Ivar Jacobson International, (consulté le )
(en) Donald Firesmith, « Security Use Cases », Journal of Object Technology, ETH Zurich, Chair of Software Engineering, vol. 2, no 3, , p. 53-64 (lire en ligne)
(en) Van Harmelen, Mark., Object modeling and user interface design, Addison-Wesley, (ISBN0-201-65789-9 et 9780201657890, OCLC45058748, lire en ligne), Article « Structure and Style in Use Cases for User Interface Design » de Larry L. Constantine et Lucy A. D. Lockwood
(en) Jacobson, Ivar., Booch, Grady. et Rumbaugh, Jim., The unified software development process, Addison-Wesley, (ISBN0-201-57169-2, 9780201571691 et 9780321822000, OCLC636807532, lire en ligne), p. 116, 142 et 160-166, en particulier p.116 « The best way to develop this user interface specification is to sketch several versions (...) » et l'encart page 164 sur les cas d'utilisation essentiels: « (...) use-case specifiers first prepare lightweight use-case descriptions that do no contain any implicit user-interface decision. (...) The user-interface designers can (...) create user interfaces without being bound by implicit decision. »