(en) Mommersteeg MC, Yu BT, van den Bosch TP, von der Thüsen JH, Kuipers EJ, Doukas M, Spaander MC, Peppelenbosch MP, Fuhler GM, « Constitutive programmed death ligand 1 expression protects gastric G-cells from Helicobacter pylori-induced inflammation », Helicobacter, vol. 27, no 5, , e12917 (PMID35899973, PMCID9542424, DOI10.1111/hel.12917)
(en) Liu Y, Vosmaer GD, Tytgat GN, Xiao SD, Ten Kate FJ, « Gastrin (G) cells and somatostatin (D) cells in patients with dyspeptic symptoms: Helicobacter pylori associated and non-associated gastritis », Journal of Clinical Pathology, vol. 58, no 9, , p. 927–931 (PMID16126872, PMCID1770830, DOI10.1136/jcp.2003.010710)
(en) Mommersteeg MC, Yu BT, van den Bosch TP, von der Thüsen JH, Kuipers EJ, Doukas M, Spaander MC, Peppelenbosch MP, Fuhler GM, « Constitutive programmed death ligand 1 expression protects gastric G-cells from Helicobacter pylori-induced inflammation », Helicobacter, vol. 27, no 5, , e12917 (PMID35899973, PMCID9542424, DOI10.1111/hel.12917)
(en) Liu Y, Vosmaer GD, Tytgat GN, Xiao SD, Ten Kate FJ, « Gastrin (G) cells and somatostatin (D) cells in patients with dyspeptic symptoms: Helicobacter pylori associated and non-associated gastritis », Journal of Clinical Pathology, vol. 58, no 9, , p. 927–931 (PMID16126872, PMCID1770830, DOI10.1136/jcp.2003.010710)