(en) Simon LeVay, Queer Science : The Use and Abuse of Research Into Homosexuality, Cambridge: The MIT Press, , 364 p. (ISBN0-262-12199-9, lire en ligne)
(en) Vernon A. Rosario, Homosexuality and Science : A Guide to the Debates, Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, , 323 p. (ISBN1-57607-281-9, lire en ligne), p. 151
The Sexual Deviations and the Diagnostic Manual, Charles W. Socarides: in: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Volume XXXII, n°3, juillet 1978 The Annals of Homosexuality
« Paid Notice: Deaths SOCARIDES, CHARLES WIL LIAM, M.D », The New York Times, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
Benjamin Kaufman: Regent University Law Review Bd. 14:423 Why NARTH? The American Psychiatric Accociation's destructive and blind pursuit of political correctness p.423, [1]