(en) S.S. Worthen, « The Quebec Train ferry of 1914. », Canadian Rail, (lire en ligne)
(en) David J. Gagnon, « Canadian National Railways - Part 1 », sur Rolly Martin Country SITEMAP. Exploring... History, Canada, Technology (consulté le ).
(en) Don McQueen, « The locomotives of the National Transcontinental Raiway and of the Canadian Government Railway. », Canadian National Steam Locomotives, Railfair 2013., (lire en ligne)
(en) « The National Transcontinental Railway », sur Trainweb.org (consulté le ) : « the NTR was divided into the following Subdivisions: Reddit (Winnipeg east beyond Provincial border to Sioux Lookout), Allanwater (Sioux Lookout east to Armstrong), Caramat (Armstrong east to Nakina), Pagwa (Nakina east to Hearst), Kapuskasing (Hearst east to Cochrane), and Taschereau (Cochrane east beyond Provincial border to Senneterre, Quebec). The branch to Thunder Bay was known as the Graham Subdivision while the cutoff formed part of the Caramat Subdivision. ».
(en) CTR, « National Transcontinental Railway Car Ferry "Leonard". », Marine Engineering of Canada, (lire en ligne)