Cinq maisons du Chán (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Cinq maisons du Chán" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
low place
low place
3rd place
11th place
144th place
2,987th place
low place
low place

  • Master Sheng-yen et Dan Stevenson, Hoofprint of the Ox : Principles of the Chan Buddhist Path as Taught by a Modern Chinese Master, (lire en ligne).

  • (zh) Ven. Chan Master Dezheng (德政禅师), « 中国禅宗曹洞宗的法脉传承 (Zhōng guó chán zōng cáo dòng zōng dí fǎ mài chuán chéng) » (consulté le ) : « Outlines Caodong School lineage from founding to modern times in China. Regarding the Caodong School lineage transmission to Ven. Hsu Yun, it says "光緒十八年(1882)...;同年又承(鼎峰)耀成和尚之曹洞宗法脈,為曹洞宗第四十七世。“ (trans. to English: In 1882, (Ven. Hsu Yun) received from Ven. (Dingfeng) Yaocheng the Caodong school transmission, becoming the forty-seventh generation holder of the transmission.) ».