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G. Rubinstein, « Two Peoples in One Land: A Validation Study of Altemeyer's Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale in the Palestinian and Jewish Societies in Israel », Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, vol. 27, no 2, , p. 216–230 (DOI10.1177/0022022196272005, S2CID146603681)
Paul Furlong, « Authoritarian Conservatism After The War: Julius Evola and Europe », Collingwood and British Idealism Studies, vol. 11, no 2, , p. 5–26 (lire en ligne)
G. Rubinstein, « Two Peoples in One Land: A Validation Study of Altemeyer's Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale in the Palestinian and Jewish Societies in Israel », Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, vol. 27, no 2, , p. 216–230 (DOI10.1177/0022022196272005, S2CID146603681)