Reeve, L. A. (1843-1844). Monograph of the genus Conus. In: Conchologia Iconica, or, illustrations of the shells of molluscous animals, vol. 1, pl. 1-47 and unpaginated text. L. Reeve & Co., London. [pl. 1-3 without imprinted date, assumed to be January 1843; stated dates: pl. 4, January 1843; pl. 5, june 1843; pl. 6-7, March 1843; pl. 8-10, April 1843; pl. 12-13, May 1843; pl. 11, 14-16, June 1843; pl. 17-19, July 1843; pl. 20-23, August 1843; pl. 24-26, September 1843; pl. 27-28, October 1843; pl. 29-35, November 1843; 36-39, December 1843; pl. 40-43, January 1844; pl. 44-47, February 1844]. (lire en ligne)