Deus Ex (jeu vidéo) (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Deus Ex (jeu vidéo)" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
53rd place
133rd place
low place
low place
3,173rd place
5,098th place
1,635th place
108th place
4,258th place
240th place
2,170th place
4,661st place
91st place
97th place
1,992nd place
3,835th place
288th place
760th place
125th place
296th place
low place
6,461st place
1,256th place
2,535th place
low place
low place
1,509th place
1,739th place
146th place
429th place
low place
low place
1,448th place
1,328th place
1st place
1st place
704th place
1,276th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
37th place
81st place
820th place
1,469th place
4,139th place
low place
5,320th place
low place
low place
low place
87th place
20th place
low place
low place

  • (en) Storn A. Cook, « Deus Ex: The Conspiracy », sur AllGame (consulté le ) : « There is no multiplayer mode in the game -- just you against the computer »
  • (en) All Game Guide, « Deus Ex: Special Limited Edition », sur AllGame (consulté le ) : « The demo features selected levels from the full game for a quick fix of sneaky shooter action. »

  • (en) « PC Zone votes Deus Ex the best PC game ever! », sur PC Zone, (consulté le ) : « Down in Austin, we had a team of incredibly talented people, many of whom didn't get along at ALL. Talk about a dysfunctional family! We had programmers who wouldn't talk to designers, artists who wouldn't talk to programmers and a design team that split right down the middle on every topic - half of the designers wouldn't talk to the other half! It was incredible. And tense. »
  • (en) « PC Zone votes Deus Ex the best PC game ever! », sur PC Zone, (consulté le )

  • (en) « Behind the Scenes Look in the Making of Deus Ex », sur (consulté le ) : « Harvey Smith (aka Witchboy): It seems that each time I came up with a code or password, I tried to use something meaningful, even if no one noticed.. »
  • (en) « Behind the Scenes Look in the Making of Deus Ex », sur (consulté le ) : « Chris Todd: In a couple of cases, books were homages to authors I like--the mystery novel scattered throughout the game was my small tribute to Andrew Vachss. »
  • (en) « Behind the Scenes Look in the Making of Deus Ex », sur (consulté le ) : « Harvey Smith (aka Witchboy): The first keypad in the game is 0451, an allusion to System Shock's allusion to Fahrenheit 451. »
  • (en) « Capture d'écran de la tombe de Lord Brinne dans Deux Ex », sur (consulté le )
  • (en) « Behind the Scenes Look in the Making of Deus Ex », sur (consulté le ) : « Chris Todd: And when I thought of _that_, it tickled a memory from the misty past of Usenet, where people would post questions to the "Internet Oracle" and have to answer a question from the Oracle in turn.. »
  • (en) « Behind the Scenes Look in the Making of Deus Ex », sur (consulté le ) : « Harvey Smith (aka Witchboy): For us--though we were in conflict a lot--making DX involved a collaborative process wherein we all contributed little pieces to the game, then took elements that other people had created and sprinkled them through our own areas. »

  • (en) Edge staff, « The Making Of: Deus Ex », sur Edge (magazine), (consulté le ) : « Almost everything in the game is based on a little snippet of research in some lab somewhere, or a ‘real’ conspiracy. There’s stuff in Deus Ex that is literally ripped from headlines »
  • (en) Edge staff, « The Making Of: Deus Ex », sur Edge (magazine), (consulté le )
  • (en) Edge staff, « The Making Of: Deus Ex », sur Edge (magazine), (consulté le ) : « Frankly, I’ve often felt like the most important thing I did on Deus Ex was prevent a fractious team of incredibly talented people from killing one another! »
  • (en) Edge staff, « The Making Of: Deus Ex », sur Edge (magazine), (consulté le ) : « Spector admits there were interactions between Ion Storm and the authorities […] We redid much of the plot mid-way through development, when the designers realised our original story, in its totality, was inexpressible given our technology […] we redesigned the skill and augmentation systems fairly dramatically. »
  • (en) Edge staff, « Deus Ex Review », sur Edge (magazine), (consulté le ) : « After the unholy mess of Romero’s Daikatana, Deus Ex – a project headed by Warren Spector – perhaps represented an immediate opportunity for developer Ion Storm to make up some lost ground. »

  • « Deus Ex, édition spéciale », sur Gamekult, (consulté le )
  • Christian Sonnic, « Test : Deus Ex », sur Gamekult, (consulté le )
  • Thomas Méreur, « Test : Deus Ex : The Fall », sur Gamekult, (consulté le ) : « Certes, The Fall se prend de temps à autre les pieds dans le tapis et l'aventure manque globalement de polish, de l'IA de lémurien à la visée capricieuse. Mais observé dans son ensemble et replacé dans son contexte, l'ambitieux défi est en grande partie relevé. »

  • (en) Tal Blevins, « Deus Ex Interview », sur IGN, (consulté le ) : « If you force me to pigeonhole Deus Ex, call it a roleplaying game set in the real world, as it exists if conspiracy buffs are right. If you want some REAL shorthand, call it James Bond meets the X-Files... »
  • (en) « DX: Invisible War Interview », sur IGN, (consulté le ) : « We were even going to mix in religion with the first game. A lot of people don't know this but J.C. Denton was supposed to be a descendant of Jesus Christ. We were going to pick up the old theory that Jesus had kids and that J.C. Denton had DNA from Jesus. »
  • (en) Stephen Butts, « DX: Visible Interview », sur IGN, (consulté le ) : « […] when we made the skyline in the background we had pieces with the Twin Towers and pieces for the other parts of the city and for New Jersey. The texture memory was so high that I couldn't use it all. I took one of the pieces and put it on one side, flipped it and put it on the other. So I made New York out of one half of the city so the Twin Towers were out. When people complained, we just explained that it had been destroyed by terrorist attacks. We start the game with the Liberty Island statue having been destroyed by terrorists a few years before. We just said that the towers had been destroyed too. »
  • (en) « Best of 2000 Awards - Game of the Year », sur IGN, (consulté le )
  • (en) « Best of 2000 Awards - Best Storyline », sur IGN, (consulté le )
  • (en) Dan Adams & Steve Butts & Charles Onyett, « Top 25 PC Games of All Time », sur IGN, (consulté le )

  • (en) Stephan T. Lavavej, « Deus Ex - », sur (consulté le )

  • (en) « RPGFan Rewiews - Deus Ex », sur RPGFan (consulté le ) : « Deus Ex features mostly melodic, ambient music, seemingly inspired by techno and jazz, and comes out to be a wonderful soundtrack that both serves the mood and can be listened to alone. »

  • (en) « A heartfelt request from your fans », sur Internet Archive (consulté le ) : « Dear Richard Garriott and the entire U:IX development team, On behalf of the friends of Bill Iburg (a.k.a. Lord Brinne), the Ultima Horizons Message Board, and the Ultima Community in general, we respectfully request a small gesture in memory of our companion. A simple tombstone erected in the graveyard of Yew where we may place flowers in honor of our friend, or some other memorial of your choosing would be appreciated beyond measure. We sincerely hope you can find it in your heart to honor a dear friend, and a loyal Avatar. »