Discours de Haïlé Sélassié Ier à la Société des Nations (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Discours de Haïlé Sélassié Ier à la Société des Nations" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
5,283rd place
5,534th place
low place
low place
5,836th place
474th place


  • André Lewin, «Les Africains à l'ONU», 18/7/2016, sur le site guineeconakry.info, consulté le 27/10/2016.


  • « I, Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, am here today to claim that justice which is due to my people, and the assistance promised to it eight months ago » voir le site.
  • «  The Council and the Assembly unanimously adopted the conclusion that the Italian Government had violated the Covenant », voir le site
  • « It was thus that, as from the end of january, 1936, soldiers, women, children, cattle, tivers, lakes and pastures were drenched continually with this deadly rain », « the deadly rain that fell from the aircraft made all those whom it touched fly shrieking in pain », voir le site.
  • « I ask the fifty-two nations not to forget today the policy upon wich they embarked eight months agos », voir le site
  • « What real assistance was given to Ethiopia by the fifty two nations who had declared the Rome Governement guilty of a breach of the Covenant and had undertaken to prevent the triumph of the aggressor ? », voir le site
  • « I have asked for financial aassistance for the purchase or arms. That assistance has been constantly refused to me. What, the, in practice, is the meaning of Article 16 of the covenant and of collective security ? », https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/selassie.htm



  • « Si un Membre de la Société recourt à la guerre, contrairement aux engagements pris aux articles 12, 13 ou 15, il est ipso facto considéré comme ayant commis un acte de guerre contre tous les autres Membres de la Société », Pacte de la Société des nations, sur [1].