(en) Bogdan Vasilescu, Daryl Posnett, Baishakhi Ray et Mark G.J. van den Brand, « Gender and Tenure Diversity in GitHub Teams », Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '15, ACM Press, , p. 3789–3798 (ISBN978-1-4503-3145-6, DOI10.1145/2702123.2702549, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Jennifer L. Davidson, Umme Ayda Mannan, Rithika Naik et Ishneet Dua, « Older Adults and Free/Open Source Software: A Diary Study of First-Time Contributors », Proceedings of The International Symposium on Open Collaboration - OpenSym '14, ACM Press, , p. 1–10 (ISBN978-1-4503-3016-9, DOI10.1145/2641580.2641589, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en-US) Timothy B. Lee, « Richard Stallman leaves MIT after controversial remarks on rape », sur Ars Technica, (consulté le ) : « "Many years ago I posted that I could not see anything wrong about sex between an adult and a child, if the child accepted it," he wrote on Saturday. "Through personal conversations in recent years, I've learned to understand how sex with a child can harm her psychologically. This changed my mind about the matter: I think adults should not do that." »
(en) Amiangshu Bosu et Kazi Zakia Sultana, « Diversity and Inclusion in Open Source Software (OSS) Projects: Where Do We Stand? », 2019 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), IEEE, , p. 1–11 (ISBN978-1-7281-2968-6, DOI10.1109/ESEM.2019.8870179, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Josh Terrell, Andrew Kofink, Justin Middleton et Clarissa Rainear, « Gender differences and bias in open source: pull request acceptance of women versus men », PeerJ Computer Science, vol. 3, , e111 (ISSN2376-5992, DOI10.7717/peerj-cs.111, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Bogdan Vasilescu, Daryl Posnett, Baishakhi Ray et Mark G.J. van den Brand, « Gender and Tenure Diversity in GitHub Teams », Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '15, ACM Press, , p. 3789–3798 (ISBN978-1-4503-3145-6, DOI10.1145/2702123.2702549, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Joseph Reagle, « “Free as in sexist?” Free culture and the gender gap », First Monday, vol. 18, no 1, (DOI10.5210/fm.v18i1.4291, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Gregorio Robles, Laura Arjona Reina, Jesús M. González-Barahona et Santiago Dueñas Domínguez, « Women in Free/Libre/Open Source Software: The Situation in the 2010s », dans IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Springer International Publishing, (ISBN978-3-319-39224-0, lire en ligne), p. 163–173.
(en) Alberto I. Roca, « Announcing EquitableTech: Open Source Skills Training of Minority Students », 2018 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), IEEE, , p. 1–2 (ISBN978-1-5386-1363-4, DOI10.1109/RESPECT.2018.8491722, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Jennifer L. Davidson, Umme Ayda Mannan, Rithika Naik et Ishneet Dua, « Older Adults and Free/Open Source Software: A Diary Study of First-Time Contributors », Proceedings of The International Symposium on Open Collaboration - OpenSym '14, ACM Press, , p. 1–10 (ISBN978-1-4503-3016-9, DOI10.1145/2641580.2641589, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Amiangshu Bosu et Kazi Zakia Sultana, « Diversity and Inclusion in Open Source Software (OSS) Projects: Where Do We Stand? », 2019 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), IEEE, , p. 1–11 (ISBN978-1-7281-2968-6, DOI10.1109/ESEM.2019.8870179, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Alberto I. Roca, « Announcing EquitableTech: Open Source Skills Training of Minority Students », 2018 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), IEEE, , p. 1–2 (ISBN978-1-5386-1363-4, DOI10.1109/RESPECT.2018.8491722, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Josh Terrell, Andrew Kofink, Justin Middleton et Clarissa Rainear, « Gender differences and bias in open source: pull request acceptance of women versus men », PeerJ Computer Science, vol. 3, , e111 (ISSN2376-5992, DOI10.7717/peerj-cs.111, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Josh Terrell, Andrew Kofink, Justin Middleton et Clarissa Rainear, « Gender differences and bias in open source: pull request acceptance of women versus men », PeerJ Computer Science, vol. 3, , e111 (ISSN2376-5992, DOI10.7717/peerj-cs.111, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Joseph Reagle, « “Free as in sexist?” Free culture and the gender gap », First Monday, vol. 18, no 1, (DOI10.5210/fm.v18i1.4291, lire en ligne, consulté le )