Louise Nyholm Kallestrup. Heksejagt. Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2020, p.83-84, lire en ligne.
«In Denmark, where the last legal execution took place in 1693 but witchcraft had not yet been decriminalized by statute, a lynching occurred in the village of Øster Grønning in Salling in 1722 when a group of villagers burned Dorte Jensdatter to death in her home for allegedly killing two children and a number of livestock by witchcraft», (en) « Swift to Wrath: Lynching in Global Historical Perspective 0813934141, 9780813934143 », sur dokumen.pub (consulté le )
Niels Simonsen, Verdslig barok En antologi 1667-1756, lire en ligne
Marijke Gijswijt-Hofstra, Brian P. Levack, Roy Porter, Bengt Ankarloo: Witchcraft and magic in Europe, p.152-153,lire en ligne
Gustav Henningsen, «Witch Persecution After the Era of the Witch Trials: A Contribution to Danish Ethnohistory», (en) Brian P. Levack, New Perspectives on Witchcraft, Magic, and Demonology: Witchcraft in the modern world, Taylor & Francis, (ISBN978-0-8153-3670-9, lire en ligne), p.163-211 (p.176)
(da) Knud Sørensen, Digterne omkring Limfjorden: En rundtur til stederne(Les poètes autour du Limfjord: un état des lieux), Gyldendal A/S, (ISBN978-87-02-22095-7, lire en ligne)
Gustav Henningsen, «Witch Persecution After the Era of the Witch Trials: A Contribution to Danish Ethnohistory», (en) Brian P. Levack, New Perspectives on Witchcraft, Magic, and Demonology: Witchcraft in the modern world, Taylor & Francis, (ISBN978-0-8153-3670-9, lire en ligne), p.163-211 (p.177)
Gustav Henningsen, «Witch Persecution After the Era of the Witch Trials: A Contribution to Danish Ethnohistory», (en) Brian P. Levack, New Perspectives on Witchcraft, Magic, and Demonology: Witchcraft in the modern world, Taylor & Francis, (ISBN978-0-8153-3670-9, lire en ligne), p.163-211 (p.178-179)