(en) « Nocebo and Pain », Neuroscience of Pain, Stress, and Emotion, , p. 117–131 (DOI10.1016/B978-0-12-800538-5.00006-6, lire en ligne, consulté le ) : « It was found that proglumide prevented nocebo hyperalgesia in a dose-dependent manner, even though it is not specifically a painkiller, thus suggesting that the nocebo hyperalgesic effect is mediated by CCK »
D. Varelmann, C. Pancaro, EC. Cappiello et WR. Camann, « Nocebo-induced hyperalgesia during local anesthetic injection. », Anesth Analg, vol. 110, no 3, , p. 868-70 (PMID20042440, DOI10.1213/ANE.0b013e3181cc5727).
D. Varelmann, C. Pancaro, EC. Cappiello et WR. Camann, « Nocebo-induced hyperalgesia during local anesthetic injection. », Anesth Analg, vol. 110, no 3, , p. 868-70 (PMID20042440, DOI10.1213/ANE.0b013e3181cc5727).
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(en) « Nocebo and Pain », Neuroscience of Pain, Stress, and Emotion, , p. 117–131 (DOI10.1016/B978-0-12-800538-5.00006-6, lire en ligne, consulté le ) : « It was found that proglumide prevented nocebo hyperalgesia in a dose-dependent manner, even though it is not specifically a painkiller, thus suggesting that the nocebo hyperalgesic effect is mediated by CCK »
(en) Ulrike Bingel, Vishvarani Wanigasekera, Katja Wiech, Roisin Ni Mhuircheartaigh, Michael C. Lee, Markus Ploner et Irene Tracey, « Drug Efficacy - The Effect of Treatment Expectation on Drug Efficacy: Imaging the Analgesic Benefit of the Opioid Remifentanil », Science Translational Medicine, vol. 3, no 70, , p. 70ra14 (résumé).