Einsatzkommando (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Einsatzkommando" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
3rd place
11th place
1st place
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
26th place
110th place
6,779th place
low place
1,898th place
1,510th place
57th place
4th place
low place
low place
low place
3,446th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
9,428th place
low place
low place
647th place
4,676th place


  • (en) Christopher R. Browning, Poland, laboratory of racial policy, U of Nebraska Press, (ISBN 978-0803259799, lire en ligne), p. 31–34.
  • (en) Tadeusz Piotrowski, « Chapter 2 », dans Nazi Terror, McFarland, (ISBN 978-0786429134, lire en ligne).
  • (en) Ronald Headland, Messages of Murder: A Study of the Reports of the Einsatzgruppen of the Security Police and the Security Service, 1941-1943, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press, (ISBN 0838634184, lire en ligne), p. 98–101.
  • (en) Vadim Birstein, Smersh: Stalin's Secret Weapon, Biteback Publishing, (ISBN 978-1849546898, lire en ligne), p. 236.
  • (en) Yitzhak Arad, The Holocaust in the Soviet Union, University of Nebraska Press, (ISBN 978-0803222700, lire en ligne), p. 126.
  • (en) University Center for International Studies, Russian History, Histoire Russe, vol. 9, University of Pittsburgh, (lire en ligne) :

    « Up to 15 December 1942, Einsatzgruppe B reported executing a total of 134,298 persons (see Prestupleniia Belorussii, pp. 68-69), but the "bandits" included in these totals are probably incorporated in the German army reports. These changes, largely the work of "Fremde Heere Ost" chief Colonel Reinhard Gehlen, included the granting of prisoner-of-war status to captured partisans and offered guerrilla deserters the option of enlistment in Soviet defector Gen. Andrei Vlasov's "Russian Army of Liberation." The relevant material is located on T-78/489/64750995144. »




  • (en) Alexander B. Rossino, « Polish ‘Neighbours’ and German Invaders: Anti-Jewish Violence in the Białystok District during the Opening Weeks of Operation Barbarossa », dans Michael C. Steinlauf et Antony Polonsky (dir.), Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 16: Focusing on Jewish Popular Culture and Its Afterlife, The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, , 431–452 p. (ISBN 978-1-909821-67-5, DOI 10.2307/j.ctv1rmk6w.30, JSTOR j.ctv1rmk6w).



  • Ilkka Ahtiainen, « Finland and Germany in WW II: Brothers in arms - and partners in crime? », Helsingin Sanomat,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le ).




  • (en) Alexander B. Rossino, « Polish ‘Neighbours’ and German Invaders: Anti-Jewish Violence in the Białystok District during the Opening Weeks of Operation Barbarossa », dans Michael C. Steinlauf et Antony Polonsky (dir.), Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 16: Focusing on Jewish Popular Culture and Its Afterlife, The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, , 431–452 p. (ISBN 978-1-909821-67-5, DOI 10.2307/j.ctv1rmk6w.30, JSTOR j.ctv1rmk6w).






  • « Le Rapport Jäger », PHDN,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le ).




  • « Einsatzgruppe E », TenhumbergReinhard.de (consulté le ).




  • (en) [PDF] AB-Aktion, Shoah Resource Center, International Institute for Holocaust Research. Washington, DC.