D.N. Carvalho, Forty Centuries of Ink, or, A Chronological Narrative concerning Ink and its Backgrounds (Banks Law Publishing Co., New York 1904), pp. 106-07.
Hervey (Clarenceux King of Arms) Suffolk 1561 Heraldic Visitation, see W.C. Metcalfe, The Visitations of Suffolk 1561, 1577, 1612 (Private, Exeter 1882), p. 82.
T.P. Wadley, Notes or abstracts of the wills contained in the volume entitled the Great Orphan Book and Book of wills, in the Council House at Bristol (Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, c.1882), p. 180, item 291.
Pedigree of 'Lucar of Bridgwater' in F.T. Colby (ed.), The Visitation of the county of Somerset in 1623, Harleian Society XI, (London 1876), p.71. The Pedigree is derived from a contemporary Lucar manuscript.
J.J. Howard and G.J. Armytage (Eds), The Visitation of London in the year 1568 taken by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux King of Arms, Harleian Society I (London 1869), p.49.
« Elizabeth Lucar », The Dinner Party database of Notable Women, Brooklyn Museum, (consulté le )
G. Ballard, 'Elizabeth Lucar', in Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain (W. Jackson for Author, Oxford 1752), pp. 36-37.
Consult: S. Frye, Pens and Needles: Women's Textualities in Early Modern England (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011), pp. 1-2.
H. Miller, 'Withypoll, Paul (by 1485-1547), of London and Walthamstow, Essex', in S.T. Bindoff (ed.), The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1509-1558 (Boydell and Brewer 1982) History of Parliament Online.
A.D.K. Hawkyard, 'Withypoll, Edmund (1510/13-82), of London; Walthamstow, Essex and Christchurch, Ipswich, Suff.', in S.T. Bindoff (ed.), The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1509-1558 (Boydell and Brewer 1982) History of Parliament Online.
J. Strype, A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster (1720 edition, expanded from the 1598 Survey of London by John Stow), Book 2, Chapter 12 (Candlewick Ward, St Lawrence Poultney), p. 189. (hrionline, The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield: accessed 03 September 2016).
An account of Emanuel Lucar will be found in C.A. Bradford, 'Emanuel Lucar and St. Sepulchre, London', Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society New Series VIII Part 1 (Bishopsgate Institute, London 1938), pp. 14-30, (pdf pp. 100-116).