(en) Güneş Işıksel, Ottoman Suzerainty over Morocco During Abdulmelik’s Reign (1576-1578) : A Reassessment, Rethymno, Marinos Sariyannis et al., coll. « New Trends in Ottoman Studies: Papers presented at the 20th CIÉPO Symposium, Rethymno, 27 June – 1 July 2012 », (lire en ligne), p. 568-577.
(tr) cumhuriyetciyorum, « KIBRIS », sur cumhuriyetciyorum, (consulté le )
(en) Dominik J Schaller et Jürgen Zimmerer, « Late Ottoman genocides: the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and Young Turkish population and extermination policies—introduction », Journal of Genocide Research, vol. 10, no 1, , p. 7–14 (ISSN1462-3528, DOI10.1080/14623520801950820).
(en) Dominik J Schaller et Jürgen Zimmerer, « Late Ottoman genocides: the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and Young Turkish population and extermination policies—introduction », Journal of Genocide Research, vol. 10, no 1, , p. 7–14 (ISSN1462-3528, DOI10.1080/14623520801950820).
Peter Turchin, Jonathan M. Adams, Thomas D. Hall: East-West Orientation of Historical Empires and Modern States. In: Journal of World-Systems Research, vol. XII, noII, 2006, p. 218–239 et 223. PDF
Johann Strauss et Malek Sharif, The First Ottoman Experiment in Democracy, Wurtzbourg, Orient-Institut Istanbul(de), , 21–51 p. (lire en ligne), « A Constitution for a Multilingual Empire: Translations of the Kanun-ı Esasi and Other Official Texts into Minority Languages » (page d'information concernant le livre dans l'Université Martin-Luther de Halle-Wittemberg) // CITÉ: p. 26 (PDF p. 28/338). « French had become a sort of semi-official language in the Ottoman Empire in the wake of the Tanzimat reforms.[...]It is true that French was not an ethnic language of the Ottoman Empire. But it was the only Western language which would become increasingly widespread among educated persons in all linguistic communities. »
Johann Strauss et Malek Sharif, The First Ottoman Experiment in Democracy, Wurtzbourg, Orient-Institut Istanbul(de), , 21–51 p. (lire en ligne), « A Constitution for a Multilingual Empire: Translations of the Kanun-ı Esasi and Other Official Texts into Minority Languages » (page d'information concernant le livre dans l'Université Martin-Luther de Halle-Wittemberg) // CITÉ: p. 26 (PDF p. 28/338). « French had become a sort of semi-official language in the Ottoman Empire in the wake of the Tanzimat reforms.[...]It is true that French was not an ethnic language of the Ottoman Empire. But it was the only Western language which would become increasingly widespread among educated persons in all linguistic communities. »