Marcus Mundry, « Morphogenesis of the reproductive shoots of Welwitschia mirabilis and Ephedra distachya (Gnetales), and its evolutionary implications », Organisms Diversity & Evolution, vol. 4, nos 1–2, , p. 91-108 (ISSN1439-6092, DOI10.1016/j.ode.2004.01.002, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Marcus Mundry, « Morphogenesis of the reproductive shoots of Welwitschia mirabilis and Ephedra distachya (Gnetales), and its evolutionary implications », Organisms Diversity & Evolution, vol. 4, nos 1–2, , p. 91-108 (ISSN1439-6092, DOI10.1016/j.ode.2004.01.002, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Marcus Mundry, « Morphogenesis of the reproductive shoots of Welwitschia mirabilis and Ephedra distachya (Gnetales), and its evolutionary implications », Organisms Diversity & Evolution, vol. 4, nos 1–2, , p. 91-108 (ISSN1439-6092, DOI10.1016/j.ode.2004.01.002, lire en ligne, consulté le )