(en) Michael R. Marrus, « The Strange Story of Herschel Grynszpan », The American Scholar, vol. 57, no 1, , p. 76-78 (ISSN0003-0937, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Michael R. Marrus, « The Strange Story of Herschel Grynszpan », The American Scholar, vol. 57, no 1, , p. 76-78 (ISSN0003-0937, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Kate Connolly, « Did gay affair provide a catalyst for Kristallnacht? », sur theGuardian.com, (consulté le ) : « Prof Döscher gleaned his previously unpublished evidence from court archives, reports from the propaganda ministry, letters, diary extracts, and interviews with diplomats of the time. Most startling are the diaries of Gide, in which the writer expresses his amazement that the scandal failed to gain public attention. Vom Rath, Gide wrote, "had an exceptionally intimate relationship with the little Jew, his murderer". ».