"1983 French Interview with Accept- Transcription par Joe Schlared du disque interview "Interview with Accept" de 1983 1983 Interview Disc
Libre traduction : I came up with the idea of taking a silly old traditional song and putting it in front of it as a contrast. We were recording at Dieter Dierk's studio at the time, so we went and asked his mother if she maybe had an old record with children's songs for us to borrow. Shure enough, she had just the perfect one that Dieter used to sing as a child as a matter of fact which made it even more funny and'valuable' for us. We picked this particular spot out of all the tunes on the record, simply because it had no real lyrics, just heidi, heido.... (The song is called ' Ein Heller und ein Batzen'.) That way we would not have to explain what the lyrics meant, no hidden meaning and all that and it would not sound real GERMAN, just silly, at least that's what we thought at the time...https://web.archive.org/web/20020208104455/wolfhoffmann.com/html/faq.html Archives du site Wolf Hoffmann.com
Wolf Hoffmann, "Accept Remembered - Restless and Wild", 1999, Archives de wolfhoffmann.com,[2]
1983 French Interview with Accept- Transcription par Joe Schlared du disque interview "Interview with Accept" de 1983 Disc 1983 Interview Disc