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(en) Carlo Adamo, Gustavo E. Scuseria et Vincenzo Barone, « Accurate excitation energies from time-dependent density functional theory: Assessing the PBE0 model », The Journal of Chemical Physics, AIP, vol. 111, no 7, , p. 2889-2899 (DOI10.1063/1.479571, lire en ligne)
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(en) Markus Reiher, Oliver Salomon, Bernd Artur Hess, « Reparameterization of hybrid functionals based on energy differences of states of different multiplicity », Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation, and Modeling (Theoretica Chimica Acta), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, vol. 107, no 1, , p. 48-55 (ISSN1432-881X, DOI10.1007/s00214-001-0300-3, lire en ligne)
(en) "Carlo Adamo, Maurizio Cossi, Giovanni Scalmani et Vincenzo Barone, « Accurate static polarizabilities by density functional theory: assessment of the PBE0 model », Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 307, nos 3-4, , p. 265 - 271 (ISSN0009-2614, DOI10.1016/S0009-2614(99)00515-1, lire en ligne)
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(en) "Carlo Adamo, Maurizio Cossi, Giovanni Scalmani et Vincenzo Barone, « Accurate static polarizabilities by density functional theory: assessment of the PBE0 model », Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 307, nos 3-4, , p. 265 - 271 (ISSN0009-2614, DOI10.1016/S0009-2614(99)00515-1, lire en ligne)
(en) John P. Perdew, Matthias Ernzerhof et Kieron Burke, « Rationale for mixing exact exchange with density functional approximations », J. Chem. Phys., vol. 105, , p. 9982–9985 (DOI10.1063/1.472933, lire en ligne [PDF], consulté le )