(en) Gilly FN, Sayag AC, Carry PY, Braillon GG, James IM, Volloch AA, Panteix GG., « Intra-Peritoneal Chemo-Hyperthermia (CHIP): a new therapy in the treatment of the peritoneal seedings. Preliminary report », Int Surg., vol. 76, no 3, , p. 164-7. (PMID1938205)modifier.
(en) Gilly FN, Sayag AC, Carry PY, Braillon GG, James IM, Volloch AA, Panteix GG., « Intra-Peritoneal Chemo-Hyperthermia (CHIP): a new therapy in the treatment of the peritoneal seedings. Preliminary report », Int Surg., vol. 76, no 3, , p. 164-7. (PMID1938205)modifier.