Frustule (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Frustule" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
222nd place
129th place
low place
8,854th place
3,306th place
2,270th place
507th place
420th place
low place
low place
149th place
80th place

  • Tiffany, M. A. (2005). Diatom auxospore scales and early stages in diatom frustule morphogenesis: their potential for use in nanotechnology. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 5(1), 131-139 (résumé).

  • Hale, M. S., & Mitchell, J. G. (2001). Functional morphology of diatom frustule microstructures : hydrodynamic control of Brownian particle diffusion and advection. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 24(3), 287-295 (résumé).

  • Mayer, L. M., Jorgensen, J., & Schnitker, D. (1991). Enhancement of diatom frustule dissolution by iron oxides. Marine Geology, 99(1), 263-266. (résumé)

  • Haworth, E. Y. (1975). A scanning electron microscope study of some different frustule forms of the genus Fragilaria found in Scottish late-glacial sediments. British Phycological Journal, 10(1), 73-80.(résumé)

  • Crawford, S. A., Higgins, M. J., Mulvaney, P., & Wetherbee, R. (2001). [Nanostructure of the diatom frustule as revealed by atomic force and scanning electron microscopy]. Journal of Phycology, 37(4), 543-554 (résumé)