(en) Alexander Franz et Brian Milch, « Searching the Web by Voice », Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Computational linguistics - Volume 2, (DOI10.3115/1071884.1071887).
(en) « Privacy Policy Notice », sur GOOG-411, : « We collect and store a copy of the voice commands you make to the service, so we can audit, evaluate, and improve the voice recognition capabilities of the service ».
(en) George M. Chinnery (Université du Maryland), « You've Got some GALL: Google-Assisted Language Learning », Language Learning & Technology, vol. 12, no 1, , p. 3-11 (ISSN1094-3501, lire en ligne).
(en) George M. Chinnery (Université du Maryland), « You've Got some GALL: Google-Assisted Language Learning », Language Learning & Technology, vol. 12, no 1, , p. 3-11 (ISSN1094-3501, lire en ligne).