(en) Levchenko et Kurbatova, « Moscow Central Diameters as Response to Increasing City Demands in Mobility », Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Smart Nations: Global Trends In The Digital Economy”, Cham, Springer International Publishing, , p. 109–114 (ISBN978-3-030-94870-2, DOI10.1007/978-3-030-94870-2_15, lire en ligne)
(en) Levchenko et Kurbatova, « Moscow Central Diameters as Response to Increasing City Demands in Mobility », Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Smart Nations: Global Trends In The Digital Economy”, Cham, Springer International Publishing, , p. 109–114 (ISBN978-3-030-94870-2, DOI10.1007/978-3-030-94870-2_15, lire en ligne)