(en) Matthew J. W. Thomas, « Predictors of Threat and Error Management: Identification of Core Nontechnical Skills and Implications for Training Systems Design », The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, vol. 14, no 2, , p. 207–231 (ISSN1050-8414 et 1532-7108, DOI10.1207/s15327108ijap1402_6, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Matthew J. W. Thomas, « Predictors of Threat and Error Management: Identification of Core Nontechnical Skills and Implications for Training Systems Design », The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, vol. 14, no 2, , p. 207–231 (ISSN1050-8414 et 1532-7108, DOI10.1207/s15327108ijap1402_6, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Sidney Dekker, « From Threat and Error Managament (TEM) to Resilience », Journal of Human Factos and Aerospace Safety, (lire en ligne [PDF])
(en) Laurie Earl, Patrick S. Murray et Paul R. Bates, « Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA) for the Management of Safety in Single-Pilot Operations (LOSA:SP) in Australia and New Zealand », Aeronautica (Griffith University Aerospace Strategic Study Centre), no 1, (lire en ligne [PDF])
(en) Matthew J. W. Thomas, « Operational Fidelity in Simulation-Based Traning: The Use of Data from Threat and Error Management in Analysis in Instructional Systems Design », Proceedings of SimTecT2003: Simulation Conference, , p. 91-95 (lire en ligne)
(en) Dan Maurino, « Threat and Error Management (TEM) », Coordinator, Flight Safety and HUman Factors Programme - ICAO. Canadian Aviation Safety Seminar (CASS), (lire en ligne [PDF])
(en) Matthew J. W. Thomas, « Predictors of Threat and Error Management: Identification of Core Nontechnical Skills and Implications for Training Systems Design », The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, vol. 14, no 2, , p. 207–231 (ISSN1050-8414 et 1532-7108, DOI10.1207/s15327108ijap1402_6, lire en ligne, consulté le )