(en) Giancarlo Esposito Opens Up About 'Exciting' Role in 'The Mandalorian' (Exclusive), Esposito, Giancarlo (), consulté le , la scène se produit à 1:38–2:29 : « I've worked with him three times. Once on the pilot of Revolution, a show I did with Eric Kripke that was so wonderful. Made his acquaintance, and then he asked me to do a Destiny commercial where I was reaching Rudyard Kipling, and we started to talk about The Lion King and Disney movies that we really really loved, so he tapped me for Jungle Book and I was able to do that with him. He is very specific and wonderful because he's an actor. So you get an actor directing you, he knows what you're feeling inside, he knows where you're going, and he gives you suggestions you can really utilize and use. Not just about, 'Oh, here go, stand there we want to do a shot like this.' Explains the shot and says, What do you feel inside you?' That's a respectful, wonderful actor turned director turned writer turned producer. The incredible and fabulous Jon Favreau. »