FDA (2008, mis à jour 7 déc. 2012) FDA Releases Final Guidance on Genetically Engineered Animals (The information on this page is provided for reference purposes only. It was current when produced, but is no longer maintained and may now be outdated). FDA Veterinarian Newsletter 2008 Volume XXIII, No IV
« GloFish® fluorescent fish are currently available for purchase only within the United States. We have no plans to ship our fish to other countries at this time, but we will update this web page if this status changes » source : Glofish.com Licence concernant les poissons GloFish, consulté 2013-01-27.
"Creating a novelty pet is a frivolous use of this technology. No matter how low the risk is, there needs to be a public benefit that is higher than this." ; in Schuchat S. (2003) Why GloFish won't glow in California. San Francisco Chronicle. (lien vers l'article)
Hwee Boon Grace Ng, Siew Hong Lam, Hendrian Sukardi, Zhiyuan Gong (2011), Potential Applications of Transgenic Fish to Environmental Monitoring and Toxicology Aquaculture Biotechnology ; Pages: 267–280, 2011 Published Online : 15 NOV 2011, DOI: 10.1002/9780470963159.ch17 (résumé)