(en) R.D. Pillans, J.D. Stevens, P.M. Kyne et J. Salini, « Observations on the distribution, biology, short-term movements and habitat requirements of river sharks Glyphis spp. in northern Australia », Endangered Species Research, (lire en ligne)
(en) Pogonoski J. et Pollard D., «Glyphis garricki». IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2003, UICN, (lire en ligne)
(en) Thorburn D.C., Morgan D.L., Rowland A.J. et H.S. Gill, The northern river shark (Glyphis sp. C)
in Western Australia, Western Australia, Murdoch University - Perth - Centre for Fish and Fisheries Research, (ISBN0642553351, lire en ligne)