Fauna of British India. Birds. Volume 2, London: Taylor and Francis, (lire en ligne)
Baker, Fauna of British India. Birds. Volume 2, London: Taylor and Francis, (lire en ligne)
The Birds of India. Volume 1, Calcutta: Military Orphan Press, (lire en ligne)
Whistler, Popular Handbook of Indian Birds, London: Gurney and Jackson, (lire en ligne)
On the Nidification of certain South-Indian Birds, (lire en ligne)
Oates, Catalogue of the collection of eggs in the British Museum. Volume 3, British Museum, (lire en ligne)
Hume, The nests and eggs of Indian birds. Volume 3, London: R H Porter, (lire en ligne)
Somasundaram S & L Vijayan, Foraging Behaviour and Guild Structure of Birds in the Montane Wet Temperate Forest of the Palni Hills, South India, Podoces, (lire en ligne)