"ultimately what gives the film its credibility is that it avoids any simplistic idea that Iraq could have simply been 'got right'. Indeed Miller's vision of exposing the WMD conspiracy and the CIA's plan to keep the Iraqi army is undermined by the film's wildcard – a nationalist Shia war veteran who turns the plot on its head before delivering the killer line to the Americans when he tells them: 'It is not for you to decide what happens here in this country. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/mar/14/bourne-baghdad-green-zone
"There is plenty of fighting in Green Zone, most of it executed with the hurtling hand-held camerawork and staccato editing that are hallmarks of Mr. Greengrass's style. From Bloody Sunday through the second and third Bourne movies (which turned Mr. Damon into a minimalist movie star), this director has honed his skill at balancing chaos with clarity."http://movies.nytimes.com/2010/03/12/movies/12green.html?ref=movies%7Ctitle=Movie Review – Green Zone – A Search for That Casualty, Truth
"Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass return to the propulsive action and visceral editing of the Bourne films – but a cliched script and stock characters keep those methods from being as effective this time around". https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1202804-green_zone/ |title= Green Zone|
"Paul Greengrass has directed a film that does what countless newspaper articles, memoirs, government statements and public inquiries have failed to do when it comes to the war in Iraq: exposed the terrible lies that stood behind the decision of the US and Britain to prosecute the war, and it does so in a way that is dramatically brilliant, morally complex and relentlessly thrilling"https://www.standard.co.uk/goingout/film/green-zone-is-one-of-the-best-war-films-ever-made-7418999.html
"The action in "Green Zone" is followed by Greengrass in the QueasyCam style I've found distracting in the past: lots of quick cuts between hand-held shots. It didn't bother me here. That may be because I became so involved in the story. Perhaps also because unlike the "Bourne" style I've found distracting in the past: lots of quick cuts between hand-held shots. It didn't bother me here. That may be because I became so involved in the story. Perhaps also because unlike the "Bourne" films, this one contains no action sequences that are logically impossible... ... One hell of a thriller", untimes.com, 10 mars 2010
"with all we retrospectively know about the wool-pulling to make the case for war, it's a kick to follow a main character on the ground who smells a rat"; he nevertheless criticized the film for lacking credibility in its portrayal of a rogue hero who never faces a reprimand and never suffers paranoia.https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/filmreviews/7421521/Green-Zone-review.html
(en) Adam Dawtrey, « Greengrass lines up Iraq movie », Variety, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Michael Fleming, « Amy Ryan set for Greengrass thriller », Variety, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
Bien qu'appelé « commandant » dans la VF, Miller est en réalité Chief warrant officer. Le grade de Warrant officer n'existe que dans certaines forces armées, dont celles des États-Unis, mais ne dispose pas d'équivalent français précis. En effet, les WO sont situés dans la hiérarchie militaire entre les sous-officiers et les officiers.