(en) Alfred R. Wallace, « Hereditary Genius, an Inquiry into its Laws and Consequences », Nature, vol. 1, no 20, , p. 501–503 (ISSN0028-0836, DOI10.1038/001501a0)
(en) Alfred R. Wallace, « Hereditary Genius, an Inquiry into its Laws and Consequences », Nature, vol. 1, no 20, , p. 501–503 (ISSN0028-0836, DOI10.1038/001501a0)
B. S. Bramwell, « Galton's hereditary genius and the three following generations since 1869 », The Eugenics Review, vol. 39, no 4, , p. 146–153 (PMID18903832, PMCID2986459)